// first goes through the mapTag and looks for map images
// all images are uploaded and OOB is added
Enumeration layers = map.layers();
while (layers.hasMoreElements()) {
LayerTag l = (LayerTag) layers.nextElement();
ImgTag img = l.getImg();
if (img != null) {
File imgFile = new File(completeMapPath + "/" + img.getSrc());
String urlStr = new String("http://" + fileServer + ":" +
fileServerPort + fileServerPath + "/" + img.getSrc());
URL url;
try {
url = new URL(urlStr);
URLFileTransfer.uploadURL(imgFile, url, proxy, proxyPort);
msgBuilder.addExtension(new IQXOOB(url,img.getSrc()));
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
MapTag insetMap = l.getSrcMap();
if (insetMap != null && recursiveMapsSend) {
addMapIntoMessage(msgBuilder, insetMap.getID(), originID, false);