Package nsf.playground.extension

Examples of nsf.playground.extension.Endpoints$Categories

  private SBTEnvironment.Endpoint[] createEndpoints() {
    ArrayList<SBTEnvironment.Endpoint> endpoints = new ArrayList<SBTEnvironment.Endpoint>();

    List<Endpoints> envext = PlaygroundExtensionFactory.getExtensions(Endpoints.class);
    for(int ev=0; ev<envext.size(); ev++) {
      Endpoints e = envext.get(ev);
      String[] sp = StringUtil.splitString(e.getEndpointNames(), ',', true);
      for(int i=0; i<sp.length; i++) {
        if(StringUtil.isNotEmpty(sp)) {
          endpoints.add(new SBTEnvironment.Endpoint(sp[i],null));
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Related Classes of nsf.playground.extension.Endpoints$Categories

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