Package no.priv.garshol.duke.test

Examples of no.priv.garshol.duke.test.NTriplesParserTest$StatementBuilder

      Long userId = Long.parseLong("INSERT_USER_ID_HERE");

      // Create filter text to select user team associations by the user ID.
      String statementText = "WHERE userId = :userId LIMIT 500";
      Statement filterStatement =
        new StatementBuilder("")
            .putValue("userId", userId)

      // Get user team associations by statement.
      UserTeamAssociationPage page =
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      long currentUserId = userService.getCurrentUser().getId();

      // Create filter text to select user team associations by the user ID.
      String statementText = "WHERE userId = :userId LIMIT 500";
      Statement filterStatement =
        new StatementBuilder("")
            .putValue("userId", currentUserId)

      // Get user team associations by statement.
      UserTeamAssociationPage page =
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      Long userId = Long.parseLong("INSERT_USER_ID_HERE");

      // Create filter text to select user team associations by the user ID.
      String statementText = "WHERE userId = :userId LIMIT 500";
      Statement filterStatement =
        new StatementBuilder("")
            .putValue("userId", userId)

      // Set defaults for page and offset.
      UserTeamAssociationPage page = new UserTeamAssociationPage();
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      // Get the TeamService.
      TeamServiceInterface teamService = user.getService(DfpService.V201208.TEAM_SERVICE);

      // Create a statement to order teams by name.
      Statement filterStatement =
          new StatementBuilder("ORDER BY name LIMIT 500")

      // Get teams by statement.
      TeamPage page = teamService.getTeamsByStatement(filterStatement);
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      // Create statement to select all suggested ad units with 50 or more
      // requests.
      Statement filterStatement =
          new StatementBuilder("WHERE numRequests >= :numRequests").putValue("numRequests", 50L)

      // Get suggested ad units by statement.
      SuggestedAdUnitPage page =
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      // Get the effective root ad unit ID of the network.
      String effectiveRootAdUnitId = networkService.getCurrentNetwork().getEffectiveRootAdUnitId();

      // Create a statement to select the children of the effective root ad
      // unit.
      Statement filterStatement = new StatementBuilder("WHERE parentId = :id LIMIT 500")
          .putValue("id", effectiveRootAdUnitId).toStatement();

      // Get ad units by statement.
      AdUnitPage page = inventoryService.getAdUnitsByStatement(filterStatement);
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      // Create a statement to only select suggested ad units that have more
      // than 50 requests.
      Statement filterStatement =
          new StatementBuilder("WHERE numRequests > :numRequests LIMIT 500")
              .putValue("numRequests", 50).toStatement();

      // Get suggested ad units by statement.
      SuggestedAdUnitPage page =
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      // Set the line item to get LICAs by.
      Long lineItemId = Long.parseLong("INSERT_LINE_ITEM_ID_HERE");

      // Create a statement to only select LICAs for the given lineItem ID.
      Statement filterStatement =
          new StatementBuilder("WHERE lineItemId = :lineItemId LIMIT 500")
              .putValue("lineItemId", lineItemId).toStatement();

      // Get LICAs by statement.
      LineItemCreativeAssociationPage page =
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      CreativeTemplateServiceInterface creativeTemplateService =

      // Create a statement to only select system defined creative templates.
      Statement filterStatement =
          new StatementBuilder("WHERE type = :creativeTemplateType LIMIT 500").putValue(
              "creativeTemplateType", CreativeTemplateType.SYSTEM_DEFINED.toString()).toStatement();

      // Get creative templates by statement.
      CreativeTemplatePage page =
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      // Get content browse custom targeting key ID.
      long contentBrowseCustomTargetingKeyId =

      // Create a statement to select the categories matching the name comedy.
      Statement categoryFilterStatement = new StatementBuilder(
          "WHERE customTargetingKeyId = :contentBrowseCustomTargetingKeyId " +
          " and name = :category LIMIT 1")
          .putValue("contentBrowseCustomTargetingKeyId", contentBrowseCustomTargetingKeyId)
          .putValue("category", "comedy").toStatement();
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Related Classes of no.priv.garshol.duke.test.NTriplesParserTest$StatementBuilder

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