if (width > 10000) width = 10000;
if (height < 24) height = 24;
if (height > 10000) height = 10000;
final RasterPlotter.DrawMode drawMode = (RasterPlotter.darkColor(color_back)) ? RasterPlotter.DrawMode.MODE_ADD : RasterPlotter.DrawMode.MODE_SUB;
final HexGridPlotter picture = new HexGridPlotter(width, height, drawMode, color_back, cellsize);
// calculate dimensions for left and right column
final int gridLeft = 0;
int gridRight = picture.gridWidth() - 2;
if ((gridRight & 1) == 0) gridRight--;
// draw home peer
final int centerx = (picture.gridWidth() >> 1) - 1;
final int centery = picture.gridHeight() >> 1;
picture.gridDot(centerx, centery, 5, true, 100);
if (corona) {
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
picture.gridDot(centerx, centery, 50, i * 60 + coronaangle / 6, i * 60 + 30 + coronaangle / 6);
} else {
picture.gridDot(centerx, centery, 50, false, 100);
//picture.gridDot(centerx, centery, 31, false);
picture.gridPrint(centerx, centery, 5, "THIS YACY PEER", "\"" + sb.peers.myName().toUpperCase() + "\"", 0);
// left column: collect data for access from outside
final int verticalSlots = (picture.gridHeight() >> 1) - 1;
final String[] hosts = new String[verticalSlots];
final int[] time = new int[verticalSlots];
final int[] count = new int[verticalSlots];
for (int i = 0; i < verticalSlots; i++) {hosts[i] = null; time[i] = 0; count[i] = 0;}
String host;
int c, h;
for (final int time2 : times) {
final Iterator<String> i = sb.accessHosts();
try {
while (i.hasNext()) {
host = i.next();
c = sb.latestAccessCount(host, time2);
if (c > 0) {
h = (Math.abs(host.hashCode())) % hosts.length;
hosts[h] = host;
count[h] = c;
time[h] = time2;
} catch (final ConcurrentModificationException e) {} // we don't want to synchronize this
// draw left column: access from outside
for (int i = 0; i < hosts.length; i++) {
if (hosts[i] != null) {
picture.gridDot(gridLeft, i * 2 + 1, 7, false, 100);
picture.gridDot(gridLeft, i * 2 + 1, 8, false, 100);
picture.gridPrint(gridLeft, i * 2 + 1, 8, hosts[i].toUpperCase(), "COUNT = " + count[i] + ", TIME > " + ((time[i] >= 60000) ? ((time[i] / 60000) + " MINUTES") : ((time[i] / 1000) + " SECONDS")), -1);
if (corona) {
picture.gridLine((centerx - gridLeft) / 2 - 2, i * 2 + 1, gridLeft, i * 2 + 1,
color_line, 100, "AAAAAA", 100, 12, 11 - coronaangle / 30, 0, true);
picture.gridLine(centerx, centery, (centerx - gridLeft) / 2 - 2, i * 2 + 1,
color_line, 100, "AAAAAA", 100, 12, 11 - coronaangle / 30, 0, true);
} else {
picture.gridLine(gridLeft, i * 2 + 1, (centerx - gridLeft) / 2, i * 2 + 1);
picture.gridLine(centerx, centery, (centerx - gridLeft) / 2, i * 2 + 1);
// right column: collect data for access to outside
for (int i = 0; i < verticalSlots; i++) {hosts[i] = null; time[i] = 0; count[i] = 0;}
final Set<ConnectionInfo> allConnections = ConnectionInfo.getAllConnections();
c = 0;
synchronized (allConnections) {
for (final ConnectionInfo conInfo: allConnections) {
host = conInfo.getTargetHost();
h = (Math.abs(host.hashCode())) % hosts.length;
hosts[h] = host + " - " + conInfo.getCommand();
count[h] = (int) conInfo.getUpbytes();
time[h] = (int) conInfo.getLifetime();
// draw right column: access to outside
for (int i = 0; i < hosts.length; i++) {
if (hosts[i] != null) {
picture.gridDot(gridRight, i * 2 + 1, 7, false, 100);
picture.gridDot(gridRight, i * 2 + 1, 8, false, 100);
picture.gridPrint(gridRight, i * 2 + 1, 8, hosts[i].toUpperCase(), count[i] + " BYTES, " + time[i] + " MS DUE", 1);
if (corona) {
picture.gridLine(gridRight, i * 2 + 1, centerx + (gridRight - centerx) / 2 + 2, i * 2 + 1,
color_line, 100, "AAAAAA", 100, 12, 11 - coronaangle / 30, 0, true);
picture.gridLine(centerx, centery, centerx + (gridRight - centerx) / 2 + 2, i * 2 + 1,
color_line, 100, "AAAAAA", 100, 12, coronaangle / 30, 0, true);
} else {
picture.gridLine(gridRight, i * 2 + 1, centerx + (gridRight - centerx) / 2, i * 2 + 1);
picture.gridLine(centerx, centery, centerx + (gridRight - centerx) / 2, i * 2 + 1);
// print headline
PrintTool.print(picture, 2, 6, 0, "YACY NODE ACCESS GRID", -1);
PrintTool.print(picture, width - 2, 6, 0, "SNAPSHOT FROM " + new Date().toString().toUpperCase(), 1);
// print legend
picture.gridLine(gridLeft, 0, centerx - 3, 0);
picture.gridLine(gridLeft, 0, gridLeft, picture.gridHeight() - 1);
picture.gridLine(centerx - 3, 0, centerx - 3, picture.gridHeight() - 1);
picture.gridLine(gridLeft, picture.gridHeight() - 1, centerx - 3, picture.gridHeight() - 1);
picture.gridPrint(gridLeft, picture.gridHeight() - 1, 8, "", "INCOMING CONNECTIONS", -1);
picture.gridLine(centerx + 3, 0, gridRight, 0);
picture.gridLine(centerx + 3, 0, centerx + 3, picture.gridHeight() - 1);
picture.gridLine(gridRight, 0, gridRight, picture.gridHeight() - 1);
picture.gridLine(centerx + 3, picture.gridHeight() - 1, gridRight, picture.gridHeight() - 1);
picture.gridPrint(gridRight, picture.gridHeight() - 1, 8, "", "OUTGOING CONNECTIONS", 1);
return picture;