Package net.xeoh.plugins.base.impl.spawning

Examples of net.xeoh.plugins.base.impl.spawning.Spawner

     * @param initialProperties
    protected PluginManagerImpl(final Properties initialProperties) {
        // Create helper classes and config (needed early)
        this.spawner = new Spawner(this);
        this.classPathManager = new ClassPathManager(this);
        this.configuration = new PluginConfigurationImpl(initialProperties);

        // Hook fundamental plugins
        hookPlugin(new SpawnResult(this));
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        // Obtain some shared objects
        // final JARCache jarCache = this.pluginManager.getJARCache();
        final ClassPathManager classPathManager = this.pluginManager.getClassPathManager();
        final PluginRegistry pluginRegistry = this.pluginManager.getPluginRegistry();
        final PluginConfigurationUtil pcu = new PluginConfigurationUtil(this.pluginManager.getPluginConfiguration());
        final Spawner spawner = this.pluginManager.getSpawner();

        // Obtain information
        // final JARInformation jarInformation = jarCache.getJARInformation(name);
        // final String file = jarCache.classTofile(name);

        try {
            // Get class of the candidate
            final Class<?> possiblePlugin = classPathManager.loadClass(location, name);

            // Don't load plugins already spawned.
            if (name.startsWith("net.xeoh.plugins.base") ||
                name.startsWith("net.xeoh.plugins.diagnosis.") ||
                name.startsWith("net.xeoh.plugins.informationbroker.")) return;
            // Get the plugin's annotation
            final PluginImplementation annotation = possiblePlugin.getAnnotation(PluginImplementation.class);

            // Nothing to load here if no annotation is present
            if (annotation == null) { return; }

            // Don't load classes already loaded from this location
            final PluginClassMetaInformation preexistingMeta = pluginRegistry.getMetaInformationFor((Class<? extends Plugin>) possiblePlugin);
            if (preexistingMeta != null) {
      "Skipping plugin " + possiblePlugin + " because we already have it ");

            // Register class at registry
            final PluginClassMetaInformation metaInformation = new PluginClassMetaInformation();
            metaInformation.pluginClassStatus = PluginClassStatus.ACCEPTED;
            if (location != null) {
                metaInformation.pluginOrigin = location.getToplevelLocation();
            } else {
                metaInformation.pluginOrigin = new URI("classpath://UNDEFINED");
            pluginRegistry.registerPluginClass((Class<? extends Plugin>) possiblePlugin, metaInformation);

            // Update the class information of the corresponding cache entry
            this.logger.finer("Updating cache information");

            // Avoid loading if annotation request it.
            if (pcu.getBoolean(possiblePlugin, "plugin.disabled", false) || possiblePlugin.getAnnotation(IsDisabled.class) != null) {
                metaInformation.pluginClassStatus = PluginClassStatus.DISABLED;
                this.logger.fine("Ignoring " + name + " due to request.");
            // Up from here we know we will (eventually) use the plugin. So load its
            // configuration.
            final String properties = (possiblePlugin.getAnnotation(ConfigurationFile.class) != null) ? possiblePlugin.getAnnotation(ConfigurationFile.class).file() : null;
            if (properties != null && properties.length() > 0) {
                final String resourcePath = name.replaceAll("\\.", "/").replaceAll(possiblePlugin.getSimpleName(), "") + properties;
                this.logger.fine("Adding configuration from " + resourcePath + " for plugin " + name);

                final Properties p = new Properties();

                // Try to load resource by special classloader
                try {
                    p.load(classPathManager.getResourceAsStream(location, resourcePath));

                    final Set<Object> keys = p.keySet();

                    // Add every string that is not already in the configuration.
                    for (final Object object : keys) {
                        if (pcu.getString(null, (String) object) != null) {
                            this.pluginManager.getPluginConfiguration().setConfiguration(null, (String) object, p.getProperty((String) object));
                } catch (final IOException e) {
                    this.logger.warning("Unable to load properties " + resourcePath + " although requested");
                } catch (final NullPointerException e) {
                    this.logger.warning("Unable to load properties " + resourcePath + " although requested. Probably not in package.");

            // Obtain dependencies
            metaInformation.dependencies = spawner.getDependencies((Class<? extends Plugin>) possiblePlugin);

            // If the class has unfulfilled dependencies, add it to our list.
            if (metaInformation.dependencies.size() == 0) {
                metaInformation.pluginClassStatus = PluginClassStatus.SPAWNABLE;
            } else {
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    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
    protected void processPending() {

        // Obtain shared objects
        final PluginRegistry pluginRegistry = this.pluginManager.getPluginRegistry();
        final Spawner spawner = this.pluginManager.getSpawner();

        // All classes we want to spawn
        final Collection<Class<? extends Plugin>> toSpawn = new ArrayList<Class<? extends Plugin>>();

        // Check if there is work to do.
        if (toSpawn.size() == 0) return;

        boolean loopAgain;

        do {
            // Classes we want to spawn
            final Collection<Class<? extends Plugin>> spawned = new ArrayList<Class<? extends Plugin>>();

            // Reset hasLoaded flag
            loopAgain = false;

            // Check all known classes ...
            for (final Class c : toSpawn) {
                this.logger.fine("Trying to load pending " + c);

                final PluginClassMetaInformation metaInformation = pluginRegistry.getMetaInformationFor(c);

                // If the class is spawnable, spawn it ...
                if (metaInformation.pluginClassStatus == PluginClassStatus.SPAWNABLE) {
                    this.logger.fine("Class found as SPAWNABLE. Trying to spawn it now " + c);

                    // The magic line: spawn it.
                    final SpawnResult p = spawner.spawnPlugin(c);

                    // In case we were successful ...
                    if (p != null && p.metaInformation.pluginStatus != PluginStatus.FAILED) {

                        // Link the parent class meta information
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     * @param initialProperties
    protected PluginManagerImpl(final Properties initialProperties) {
        // Create helper classes and config (needed early)
        this.spawner = new Spawner(this);
        this.classPathManager = new ClassPathManager(this);
        this.configuration = new PluginConfigurationImpl(initialProperties);

        // Hook fundamental plugins
        hookPlugin(new SpawnResult(this));
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        // Obtain some shared objects
        // final JARCache jarCache = this.pluginManager.getJARCache();
        final ClassPathManager classPathManager = this.pluginManager.getClassPathManager();
        final PluginRegistry pluginRegistry = this.pluginManager.getPluginRegistry();
        final PluginConfigurationUtil pcu = new PluginConfigurationUtil(this.pluginManager.getPluginConfiguration());
        final Spawner spawner = this.pluginManager.getSpawner();

        // Obtain information
        // final JARInformation jarInformation = jarCache.getJARInformation(name);
        // final String file = jarCache.classTofile(name);

        try {
            // Get class of the candidate
            final Class<?> possiblePlugin = classPathManager.loadClass(location, name);

            // Don't load plugins already spawned.
            if (name.startsWith("net.xeoh.plugins.base") ||
                name.startsWith("net.xeoh.plugins.diagnosis.") ||
                name.startsWith("net.xeoh.plugins.informationbroker.")) return;
            // Get the plugin's annotation
            final PluginImplementation annotation = possiblePlugin.getAnnotation(PluginImplementation.class);

            // Nothing to load here if no annotation is present
            if (annotation == null) { return; }

            // Don't load classes already loaded from this location
            final PluginClassMetaInformation preexistingMeta = pluginRegistry.getMetaInformationFor((Class<? extends Plugin>) possiblePlugin);
            if (preexistingMeta != null) {
      "Skipping plugin " + possiblePlugin + " because we already have it ");

            // Register class at registry
            final PluginClassMetaInformation metaInformation = new PluginClassMetaInformation();
            metaInformation.pluginClassStatus = PluginClassStatus.ACCEPTED;
            if (location != null) {
                metaInformation.pluginOrigin = location.getToplevelLocation();
            } else {
                metaInformation.pluginOrigin = new URI("classpath://UNDEFINED");
            pluginRegistry.registerPluginClass((Class<? extends Plugin>) possiblePlugin, metaInformation);

            // Update the class information of the corresponding cache entry
            this.logger.finer("Updating cache information");

            // Avoid loading if annotation request it.
            if (pcu.getBoolean(possiblePlugin, "plugin.disabled", false) || possiblePlugin.getAnnotation(IsDisabled.class) != null) {
                metaInformation.pluginClassStatus = PluginClassStatus.DISABLED;
                this.logger.fine("Ignoring " + name + " due to request.");
            // Up from here we know we will (eventually) use the plugin. So load its
            // configuration.
            final String properties = (possiblePlugin.getAnnotation(ConfigurationFile.class) != null) ? possiblePlugin.getAnnotation(ConfigurationFile.class).file() : null;
            if (properties != null && properties.length() > 0) {
                final String resourcePath = name.replaceAll("\\.", "/").replaceAll(possiblePlugin.getSimpleName(), "") + properties;
                this.logger.fine("Adding configuration from " + resourcePath + " for plugin " + name);

                final Properties p = new Properties();

                // Try to load resource by special classloader
                InputStream ism = null;
                try {
                   ism = classPathManager.getResourceAsStream(location, resourcePath);

                    final Set<Object> keys = p.keySet();

                    // Add every string that is not already in the configuration.
                    for (final Object object : keys) {
                        if (pcu.getString(null, (String) object) != null) {
                            this.pluginManager.getPluginConfiguration().setConfiguration(null, (String) object, p.getProperty((String) object));
                } catch (final IOException e) {
                    this.logger.warning("Unable to load properties " + resourcePath + " although requested");
                } catch (final NullPointerException e) {
                    this.logger.warning("Unable to load properties " + resourcePath + " although requested. Probably not in package.");
                     if (ism != null)
                        ism = null;
                   catch(Exception exc)

            // Obtain dependencies
            metaInformation.dependencies = spawner.getDependencies((Class<? extends Plugin>) possiblePlugin);

            // If the class has unfulfilled dependencies, add it to our list.
            if (metaInformation.dependencies.size() == 0) {
                metaInformation.pluginClassStatus = PluginClassStatus.SPAWNABLE;
            } else {
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    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
    protected void processPending() {

        // Obtain shared objects
        final PluginRegistry pluginRegistry = this.pluginManager.getPluginRegistry();
        final Spawner spawner = this.pluginManager.getSpawner();

        // All classes we want to spawn
        final Collection<Class<? extends Plugin>> toSpawn = new ArrayList<Class<? extends Plugin>>();

        // Check if there is work to do.
        if (toSpawn.size() == 0) return;

        boolean loopAgain;

        do {
            // Classes we want to spawn
            final Collection<Class<? extends Plugin>> spawned = new ArrayList<Class<? extends Plugin>>();

            // Reset hasLoaded flag
            loopAgain = false;

            // Check all known classes ...
            for (final Class c : toSpawn) {
                this.logger.fine("Trying to load pending " + c);

                final PluginClassMetaInformation metaInformation = pluginRegistry.getMetaInformationFor(c);

                // If the class is spawnable, spawn it ...
                if (metaInformation.pluginClassStatus == PluginClassStatus.SPAWNABLE) {
                    this.logger.fine("Class found as SPAWNABLE. Trying to spawn it now " + c);

                    // The magic line: spawn it.
                    final SpawnResult p = spawner.spawnPlugin(c);

                    // In case we were successful ...
                    if (p != null && p.metaInformation.pluginStatus != PluginStatus.FAILED) {

                        // Link the parent class meta information
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Related Classes of net.xeoh.plugins.base.impl.spawning.Spawner

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