handlers = new LinkedHashMap<String, Pair<EventExecutorGroup, ChannelHandler>>(nrTCPHandlers);
handlers.put("dropconnection", new Pair<EventExecutorGroup, ChannelHandler>(null, tcpDropConnectionInboundHandler));
new Pair<EventExecutorGroup, ChannelHandler>(null, timeoutFactory.idleStateHandlerTomP2P()));
handlers.put("timeout1", new Pair<EventExecutorGroup, ChannelHandler>(null, timeoutFactory.timeHandler()));
handlers.put("decoder", new Pair<EventExecutorGroup, ChannelHandler>(null, new TomP2PCumulationTCP(
} else {
// we don't need here a timeout since we receive a packet or
// nothing. It is different than with TCP where we
// may get a stream and in the middle of it, the other peer goes