private String selectedFixture;
public FixtureSelectionDialog(JFrame parent, String[] fixtures, final String selectedFixture) {
super(parent, "Select", true);
setTitle("Marathon - Select Fixture");
BannerPanel bannerPanel = new BannerPanel();
String[] lines = { "Fixtures allows to customize the setup to be done for a test case",
"Note that you need to create a new testcase for this fixture to be used", "for recording" };
BannerPanel.Sheet sheet = new BannerPanel.Sheet("Select Fixture", lines);
bannerPanel.addSheet(sheet, "main");
getContentPane().add(bannerPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
getContentPane().add(getFixturePanel(fixtures), BorderLayout.CENTER);
this.selectedFixture = selectedFixture;
fixtureList.setSelectedValue(selectedFixture, true);