Package net.sourceforge.jpaxjc.ns.persistence.orm

Examples of net.sourceforge.jpaxjc.ns.persistence.orm.Transient

    private void toAttributes( final Outline outline, final ClassOutline c, final Attributes attributes )
        throws JAXBException
        if ( )
            final Transient t = new Transient();
            t.setName( "otherAttributes" );
            attributes.getTransient().add( t );

            this.log( Level.WARNING, "cannotMapProperty", "OtherAttributes", c.implClass.binaryName() );

        for ( FieldOutline f : c.getDeclaredFields() )
            boolean mapped = false;

            if ( f.getPropertyInfo().getCustomizations().find( ORM_NS, "id" ) != null )
                final CPluginCustomization pc = f.getPropertyInfo().getCustomizations().find( ORM_NS, "id" );
                final Id id = JAXB.unmarshal( new DOMSource( pc.element ), Id.class );

                if ( id.getName() == null )
                    id.setName( f.getPropertyInfo().getName( false ) );

                attributes.getId().add( id );
                mapped = true;

                final Column defaultColumn =
                    this.applySchemaDefaults( f.getPropertyInfo().getSchemaComponent(), id.getColumn() );

                id.setColumn( defaultColumn );

                if ( !pc.isAcknowledged() )

            if ( f.getPropertyInfo().getCustomizations().find( ORM_NS, "basic" ) != null )
                final CPluginCustomization pc = f.getPropertyInfo().getCustomizations().find( ORM_NS, "basic" );
                final Basic basic = JAXB.unmarshal( new DOMSource( pc.element ), Basic.class );

                if ( basic.getName() == null )
                    basic.setName( f.getPropertyInfo().getName( false ) );

                attributes.getBasic().add( basic );
                mapped = true;

                if ( !pc.isAcknowledged() )

                final Column defaultColumn =
                    this.applySchemaDefaults( f.getPropertyInfo().getSchemaComponent(), basic.getColumn() );

                basic.setColumn( defaultColumn );

            if ( f.getPropertyInfo().getCustomizations().find( ORM_NS, "version" ) != null )
                final CPluginCustomization pc = f.getPropertyInfo().getCustomizations().find( ORM_NS, "version" );
                final Version version = JAXB.unmarshal( new DOMSource( pc.element ), Version.class );

                if ( version.getName() == null )
                    version.setName( f.getPropertyInfo().getName( false ) );

                attributes.getVersion().add( version );
                mapped = true;

                if ( !pc.isAcknowledged() )

                final Column defaultColumn =
                    this.applySchemaDefaults( f.getPropertyInfo().getSchemaComponent(), version.getColumn() );

                version.setColumn( defaultColumn );

            if ( f.getPropertyInfo().getCustomizations().find( ORM_NS, "many-to-one" ) != null )
                final CPluginCustomization pc = f.getPropertyInfo().getCustomizations().find( ORM_NS, "many-to-one" );
                final ManyToOne m = JAXB.unmarshal( new DOMSource( pc.element ), ManyToOne.class );

                if ( m.getName() == null )
                    m.setName( f.getPropertyInfo().getName( false ) );

                attributes.getManyToOne().add( m );
                mapped = true;

                if ( !pc.isAcknowledged() )

            if ( f.getPropertyInfo().getCustomizations().find( ORM_NS, "one-to-many" ) != null )
                final CPluginCustomization pc = f.getPropertyInfo().getCustomizations().find( ORM_NS, "one-to-many" );
                final OneToMany o = JAXB.unmarshal( new DOMSource( pc.element ), OneToMany.class );

                if ( o.getName() == null )
                    o.setName( f.getPropertyInfo().getName( false ) );

                attributes.getOneToMany().add( o );

                this.generateCollectionSetter( f.parent().parent().getCodeModel(), f.parent(), f.getPropertyInfo() );
                mapped = true;

                if ( !pc.isAcknowledged() )

            if ( f.getPropertyInfo().getCustomizations().find( ORM_NS, "one-to-one" ) != null )
                final CPluginCustomization pc = f.getPropertyInfo().getCustomizations().find( ORM_NS, "one-to-one" );
                final OneToOne o = JAXB.unmarshal( new DOMSource( pc.element ), OneToOne.class );

                if ( o.getName() == null )
                    o.setName( f.getPropertyInfo().getName( false ) );

                attributes.getOneToOne().add( o );
                mapped = true;

                if ( !pc.isAcknowledged() )

            if ( f.getPropertyInfo().getCustomizations().find( ORM_NS, "many-to-many" ) != null )
                final CPluginCustomization pc = f.getPropertyInfo().getCustomizations().find( ORM_NS, "many-to-many" );
                final ManyToMany m = JAXB.unmarshal( new DOMSource( pc.element ), ManyToMany.class );

                if ( m.getName() == null )
                    m.setName( f.getPropertyInfo().getName( false ) );

                attributes.getManyToMany().add( m );

                this.generateCollectionSetter( f.parent().parent().getCodeModel(), f.parent(), f.getPropertyInfo() );
                mapped = true;

                if ( !pc.isAcknowledged() )

            if ( f.getPropertyInfo().getCustomizations().find( ORM_NS, "embedded" ) != null )
                final CPluginCustomization pc = f.getPropertyInfo().getCustomizations().find( ORM_NS, "embedded" );
                final Embedded e = JAXB.unmarshal( new DOMSource( pc.element ), Embedded.class );

                if ( e.getName() == null )
                    e.setName( f.getPropertyInfo().getName( false ) );

                attributes.getEmbedded().add( e );
                mapped = true;

                if ( !pc.isAcknowledged() )

            if ( f.getPropertyInfo().getCustomizations().find( ORM_NS, "transient" ) != null )
                final CPluginCustomization pc = f.getPropertyInfo().getCustomizations().find( ORM_NS, "transient" );
                final Transient t = JAXB.unmarshal( new DOMSource( pc.element ), Transient.class );

                if ( t.getName() == null )
                    t.setName( f.getPropertyInfo().getName( false ) );

                attributes.getTransient().add( t );
                mapped = true;
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    private void toEmbeddableAttributes( final ClassOutline c, final EmbeddableAttributes attributes )
        throws JAXBException
        if ( )
            final Transient t = new Transient();
            t.setName( "otherAttributes" );
            attributes.getTransient().add( t );

            this.log( Level.WARNING, "cannotMapProperty", "OtherAttributes", c.implClass.binaryName() );

        for ( FieldOutline f : c.getDeclaredFields() )
            boolean mapped = false;

            if ( f.getPropertyInfo().getCustomizations().find( ORM_NS, "basic" ) != null )
                final CPluginCustomization pc = f.getPropertyInfo().getCustomizations().find( ORM_NS, "basic" );
                final Basic basic = JAXB.unmarshal( new DOMSource( pc.element ), Basic.class );

                if ( basic.getName() == null )
                    basic.setName( f.getPropertyInfo().getName( false ) );

                attributes.getBasic().add( basic );
                mapped = true;

                if ( !pc.isAcknowledged() )

            if ( f.getPropertyInfo().getCustomizations().find( ORM_NS, "transient" ) != null )
                final CPluginCustomization pc = f.getPropertyInfo().getCustomizations().find( ORM_NS, "transient" );
                final Transient t = JAXB.unmarshal( new DOMSource( pc.element ), Transient.class );

                if ( t.getName() == null )
                    t.setName( f.getPropertyInfo().getName( false ) );

                attributes.getTransient().add( t );
                mapped = true;
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        rh.recurseAddVersion( orm, a, c );

    private boolean toTransient( final FieldOutline f, final Attributes a )
        final Transient t = new Transient();
        t.setName( f.getPropertyInfo().getName( false ) );
        a.getTransient().add( t );

        if ( f.getRawType().equals( f.parent().parent().getCodeModel().ref( XMLGregorianCalendar.class ) ) )
            a.getBasic().add( this.toTemporalBasic( f ) );
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        return true;

    private boolean toTransient( final FieldOutline f, final EmbeddableAttributes a )
        final Transient t = new Transient();
        t.setName( f.getPropertyInfo().getName( false ) );
        a.getTransient().add( t );

        if ( f.getRawType().equals( f.parent().parent().getCodeModel().ref( XMLGregorianCalendar.class ) ) )
            a.getBasic().add( this.toTemporalBasic( f ) );
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Related Classes of net.sourceforge.jpaxjc.ns.persistence.orm.Transient

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