* Inference method
* Add membershipfunction to deffuzifier (using 'min' as inference)
public void imply(RuleTerm fuzzyRuleTerm, RuleAccumulationMethod ruleAccumulationMethod, double degreeOfSupport) {
Variable variable = fuzzyRuleTerm.getVariable();
Defuzzifier defuzzifier = variable.getDefuzzifier();
MembershipFunction mf = fuzzyRuleTerm.getMembershipFunction();
double membership, y, x, aggregated = 0;
// Both are equal? (both discrete or both continuous?)
if( mf.isDiscrete() != defuzzifier.isDiscrete() ) throw new RuntimeException("MembershipFunction and Defuzzifier are neither both discrete nor both continuous\n\tTerm: " + fuzzyRuleTerm + "\n\tMembership function: " + mf + "\n\tDefuzzifier: " + defuzzifier + "\n");
if( mf.isDiscrete() ) {
// Discrete case