public static BaseView gedcomAllGLinksView(Gedcom gedcom, GLinkURL gedcomURL)
//A) Internal - inside the .ged file - do a search to find these - search in this method's gedcom parameter
String searchCriteria = "GLink";
String searchScope = "INDI:EVEN:TYPE";
GEDCOMSearchView searchView = new GEDCOMSearchView();
searchView.gedcomurl = gedcomURL.getGedcomURL();
GedcomSearch.findGLinks(gedcom, searchCriteria, searchScope, searchView.getGlinkURLs(), gedcomURL);
//B) External - cached in the Central Site and can easily be found with a file search - .glink.xml.cached
//find all of the .glink.xml.cached files in the Central Site located in the gedcomURL directory
//load in those .glink.xml.cached files and populate searchView with the [name, GLinkURL] result pairs
//C) Central Site - a person added these GLinks to the Central Site via the GEDCOM Central Site GLink form - .glink.xml