if (xmlColumn.isOrdinal()) {
Expression internalExpression = xmlColumn.getPathExpression().getInternalExpression();
PathMap subMap = new PathMap(internalExpression);
PathMapRoot subContextRoot = null;
for (PathMapRoot root : subMap.getPathMapRoots()) {
if (root.getRootExpression() instanceof ContextItemExpression || root.getRootExpression() instanceof RootExpression) {
if (subContextRoot != null) {
if (record.recordDebug()) {
record.println("Document projection will not be used, since multiple context items exist in column path " + xmlColumn.getPath()); //$NON-NLS-1$
return null;
subContextRoot = root;
if (subContextRoot == null) {
//special case for handling '.', which the pathmap logic doesn't consider as a root
if (internalExpression instanceof ContextItemExpression) {
addReturnedArcs(xmlColumn, finalNode);
for (PathMapArc arc : subContextRoot.getArcs()) {
finalNode.createArc(arc.getStep(), arc.getTarget());
HashSet<PathMapNode> subFinalNodes = new HashSet<PathMapNode>();
getReturnableNodes(subContextRoot, subFinalNodes);
for (PathMapNode subNode : subFinalNodes) {
addReturnedArcs(xmlColumn, subNode);
//Workaround to rerun the reduction algorithm - by making a copy of the old version
PathMap newMap = new PathMap(DUMMY_EXPRESSION);
PathMapRoot newRoot = newMap.makeNewRoot(parentRoot.getRootExpression());
if (parentRoot.isAtomized()) {
if (parentRoot.isReturnable()) {
if (parentRoot.hasUnknownDependencies()) {
for (PathMapArc arc : parentRoot.getArcs()) {
newRoot.createArc(arc.getStep(), arc.getTarget());
return newMap.reduceToDownwardsAxes(newRoot);