Attributes attrA = methodA.getAttributes();
Attributes attrB = methodB.getAttributes();
CodeAttribute codeAttrA = attrA.getCode();
CodeAttribute codeAttrB = attrB.getCode();
LineNumberTableAttribute lnAttrA = null;
LineNumberTableAttribute lnAttrB = null;
LocalVariableTableAttribute lvsA = null;
LocalVariableTableAttribute lvsB = null;
if (codeAttrA != null && codeAttrB != null) {
// TODO: deal with the case where only one is null
// ie, one method has code, the other doesn't
if (codeAttrA.getAttributes() != null) {
lnAttrA = codeAttrA.getAttributes().getLineNumberTable();
lvsA = codeAttrA.getAttributes().getLocalVariableTable();
if (codeAttrB.getAttributes() != null) {
lnAttrB = codeAttrB.getAttributes().getLineNumberTable();
lvsB = codeAttrB.getAttributes().getLocalVariableTable();
Code codeA = codeAttrA.getCode();
Code codeB = codeAttrB.getCode();
DecompilationContext dcA = codeA.createDecompilationContext();
DecompilationContext dcB = codeB.createDecompilationContext();
List<Instruction> instructionsA = codeA.getInstructions();