Localizer localizer = mMultiLocalizer.getLocalizer(request.getLocale());
int port;
if (interval == -1) {
// This is the first call -> Load the settings
DesktopConfig desktopConfig = DesktopToolkit.getDesktopConfig();
Document crawlerDoc = XmlToolkit.loadXmlDocument(CRAWLER_CONFIG_FILE);
interval = desktopConfig.getInterval();
dirlist = getStartlistEntries(crawlerDoc, FILE_PROTOCOL);
dirblacklist = getBlacklistEntries(crawlerDoc, FILE_PROTOCOL);
sitelist = getStartlistEntries(crawlerDoc, HTTP_PROTOCOL);
siteblacklist = getBlacklistEntries(crawlerDoc, HTTP_PROTOCOL);
imaplist = getCompleteStartlistEntries(crawlerDoc, IMAP_PROTOCOL);
port = desktopConfig.getPort();
} else {
// There were new settings sent -> Check the input
ArrayList<String> errorList = new ArrayList<String>();
// Get the input