protected void performOValValidation(Object action, ValueStack valueStack, String methodName, String context) throws NoSuchMethodException {
Class clazz = action.getClass();
//read validation from xmls
List<Configurer> configurers = validationManager.getConfigurers(clazz, context, validateJPAAnnotations);
Validator validator = configurers.isEmpty() ? new Validator() : new Validator(configurers);
//if the method is annotated with a @Profiles annotation, use those profiles
Method method = clazz.getMethod(methodName, new Class[0]);
if (method != null) {
Profiles profiles = method.getAnnotation(Profiles.class);
if (profiles != null) {
String[] profileNames = profiles.value();
if (profileNames != null && profileNames.length > 0) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Enabling profiles [#0]", StringUtils.join(profileNames, ","));
for (String profileName : profileNames)
//perform validation
List<ConstraintViolation> violations = validator.validate(action);
addValidationErrors(violations.toArray(new ConstraintViolation[violations.size()]), action, valueStack, null);