int weaponsAllowed = getWeaponsAllowed();
//check to see if skill has a weapon dependency.
if (weaponsAllowed == 0) return true;
if (activeChar.getActiveWeaponItem() != null)
L2WeaponType playerWeapon;
playerWeapon = activeChar.getActiveWeaponItem().getItemType();
int mask = playerWeapon.mask();
if ((mask & weaponsAllowed) != 0) return true;
// can be on the secondary weapon
if (activeChar.getSecondaryWeaponItem() != null)
playerWeapon = activeChar.getSecondaryWeaponItem().getItemType();
mask = playerWeapon.mask();
if ((mask & weaponsAllowed) != 0) return true;
TextBuilder skillmsg = new TextBuilder();