0010: ff 9e c3 03 00 8f f3 ff ff .........
format dddddd (player id, target id, distance, startx, starty, startz)
@version $Revision: $ $Date: 2005/04/06 16:13:46 $
{ _actor.broadcastPacket(new CharMoveToLocation(_actor)); _clientMovingToPawnOffset = 0; } else if (sendPacket) // don't repeat unnecessarily _actor.broadcastPacket(new MoveToPawn(_actor, (L2Character) pawn, offset)); } else _actor.broadcastPacket(new CharMoveToLocation(_actor)); } else
if (_clientMoving) { if (_clientMovingToPawnOffset != 0 && _followTarget != null) { // Send a Server->Client packet MoveToPawn to the actor and all L2PcInstance in its _knownPlayers MoveToPawn msg = new MoveToPawn(_actor, _followTarget, _clientMovingToPawnOffset); player.sendPacket(msg); } else { // Send a Server->Client packet CharMoveToLocation to the actor and all L2PcInstance in its _knownPlayers