ssGrade = weaponItem.getCrystalType();
// Create a Server->Client packet Attack
Attack attack = new Attack(this, wasSSCharged, ssGrade);
boolean hitted;
// Set the Attacking Body part to CHEST
// Get the Attack Reuse Delay of the L2Weapon
int reuse = calculateReuseTime(target, weaponItem);
// Select the type of attack to start
if (weaponItem == null)
hitted = doAttackHitSimple(attack, target, timeToHit);
else if (weaponItem.getItemType() == L2WeaponType.BOW)
hitted = doAttackHitByBow(attack, target, timeAtk, reuse);
else if (weaponItem.getItemType() == L2WeaponType.POLE)
hitted = doAttackHitByPole(attack, timeToHit);
else if (isUsingDualWeapon())
hitted = doAttackHitByDual(attack, target, timeToHit);
hitted = doAttackHitSimple(attack, target, timeToHit);
// Flag the attacker if it's a L2PcInstance outside a PvP area
L2PcInstance player = null;
if (this instanceof L2PcInstance)
player = (L2PcInstance) this;
else if (this instanceof L2Summon)
player = ((L2Summon) this).getOwner();
if (player != null)
// Check if hit isn't missed
if (!hitted)
// Abort the attack of the L2Character and send Server->Client ActionFailed packet
* ADDED BY nexus - 2006-08-17 As soon as we know that our hit landed, we must discharge any active soulshots. This must be done so to avoid unwanted soulshot consumption.
// If we didn't miss the hit, discharge the shoulshots, if any
if ((this instanceof L2Summon) && !(this instanceof L2PetInstance))
((L2Summon) this).setChargedSoulShot(L2ItemInstance.CHARGED_NONE);
else if (weaponInst != null)
if (player != null)
if (player.isCursedWeaponEquiped())
// If hitted by a cursed weapon, Cp is reduced to 0
if (!target.isInvul())
else if (player.isHero())
if ((target instanceof L2PcInstance) && ((L2PcInstance) target).isCursedWeaponEquiped())
// If a cursed weapon is hitted by a Hero, Cp is reduced to 0
// If the Server->Client packet Attack contains at least 1 hit, send the Server->Client packet Attack
// to the L2Character AND to all L2PcInstance in the _KnownPlayers of the L2Character
if (attack.hasHits())
// Notify AI with EVT_READY_TO_ACT