Package net.sf.jportlet.portlet.descriptor

Examples of net.sf.jportlet.portlet.descriptor.CacheDescriptor

                                  PortletResponseImpl response )
        throws PortletException,
        boolean             debug = _log.isDebugEnabled(  );
        CacheDescriptor     cache = _descriptor.getCacheDescriptor( request.getMode(  ) );
        String              id = getCacheableId( cache, request, response );
        PortletResponseImpl response2 = new PortletResponseImpl( this, request, response.getHttpResponse(  ) );
        String              body = null;
        CacheRegion         region = null;
        Cacheable           cacheable;

        /* Load the body from the cache */
        if ( id != null )
            if ( debug )
                _log.debug( "Loading portlet body from the" + id );

            region    = getCacheRegion(  );
            cacheable = region.get( id );
            if ( cacheable != null )
                if ( !isDirty( request ) )
                    if ( debug )
                        _log.debug( "...Portlet body found in the cache" );

                    body = ( String ) cacheable.getData(  );
                    if ( debug )
                        _log.debug( "...Portlet dirty. expiring the portlet body" );

                    cacheable.expire(  );
                    body = null;
            if ( debug )
                _log.debug( "Caching not supported" );

        if ( body == null )
            /* Generate the body */
            if ( debug )
                _log.debug( "Generating the portlet body" );

            _portlet.service( request, response2 );
            body = response2.getBuffer(  ).toString(  );

            /* Cache the body */
            if ( region != null )
                if ( debug )
                    _log.debug( "...Caching the portlet body" );

                cacheable = new CacheableImpl( id, body, 1000 * cache.getExpires(  ) );
                _cacheRegion.put( cacheable );

        /* Bye */
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        if ( id != null )
            PortletResponseImpl resp = ( PortletResponseImpl ) response;
            PortletDescriptor   descr = proxy.getDescriptor(  );
            CacheDescriptor     cache = descr.getCacheDescriptor( request.getMode(  ) );
            CacheRegion         region = getCacheService( proxy ).getRegion( descr.getName(  ), true );
            CacheableImpl       cacheable = new CacheableImpl( id, resp.getBuffer(  ).toString(  ), 1000 * cache.getExpires(  ) );

            if ( debug )
                __log.debug( "Caching portlet content:" + id );
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        /* No caching */
        StringBuffer      id = new StringBuffer(  );
        PortletDescriptor descr = proxy.getDescriptor(  );
        Portlet.Mode      mode = request.getMode(  );
        CacheDescriptor   cache = descr.getCacheDescriptor( mode );
        if ( ( cache == null ) || ( cache.getExpires(  ) == 0 ) )
            return null;

        id.append( '/' ).append( mode ).append( '/' ).append( request.getWindow(  ).getState(  ) );

        if ( !cache.isShared(  ) )
            User usr = request.getUser(  );
            if ( usr == null )
                id.append( '/' ).append( ANONYMOUS_ID );
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        lang = portlet.getLanguageDescriptor( Locale.FRENCH );
        assertNotNull( "lang[fr]", lang );
        assertEquals( "lang[fr].title", "Portlet No1", lang.getTitle(  ) );

        /* Cache */
        CacheDescriptor cache = portlet.getCacheDescriptor( Portlet.Mode.VIEW );
        assertNotNull( "cache[view]", cache );
        assertEquals( "cache[view].expires", 300, cache.getExpires(  ) );
        assertFalse( "cache[view].shared", cache.isShared(  ) );

        cache = portlet.getCacheDescriptor( Portlet.Mode.HELP );
        assertNotNull( "cache[help]", cache );
        assertEquals( "cache[help].expires", -1, cache.getExpires(  ) );
        assertTrue( "cache[help].shared", cache.isShared(  ) );

        /* auth */
        AuthConstraintDescriptor auth = portlet.getAuthConstraintDescriptor( Portlet.Mode.VIEW );
        assertNotNull( "auth[view]", auth );
        assertTrue( "auth[view].allowAnonymous", auth.isAllowAnonymous(  ) );
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Related Classes of net.sf.jportlet.portlet.descriptor.CacheDescriptor

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