Package net.sf.jiga.xtended.ui

Examples of net.sf.jiga.xtended.ui.InstructionsPane


    public void init() {
        Container content = getContentPane();
        final InstructionsPane pane = new InstructionsPane(this, 0, 5);
        StatusPane toggleStep = new StatusPane(pane);
        content.add(pane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
        content.add(toggleStep, BorderLayout.SOUTH);

// add one new step in the panel store
        int step = pane.addStep();

// add one Text Area
        pane.addStepComponent(step, new JTextArea("Go to next step and select the images files you want to convert."));

// add another step in the panel store
        step = pane.addStep();
        Container owner = this.getContentPane();

// here is the file chooser panel as an InstructionSet
        final FileChooserPane jfc = new FileChooserPane(owner, "");

// add the file chooser panel set to the InstructionsPane at the next available empty step

// here is how to add button with action
        pane.addStepComponent(step, sw_selectFormat = new JButton("Conversion format..."));
        pane.addStepComponent(step, sw_convert = new JButton("Convert"));
// add one action listener to the button
// you can access the class- , static- and final- local variables
        sw_selectFormat.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                selectedConversion = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(InstallerStepperExample.this,
                        "What conversion type do you want?", "Convert...",
                sw_convert.setText("Convert to " + getSelectedConversion());

// add one more step with 2 columns of components for the layout
        step = pane.addStep(2);

// each added component is given with row column span as arguments
        pane.addStepComponent(step, new JLabel("This value will zoom the image to choosen scale (%):"), 1, 2);
        pane.addStepComponent(step, sw_zoom = new JSpinner(new SpinnerNumberModel(100, 1, 500, 1)), 1, 2);

// (�)
        pane.addStepComponent(step, new JLabel("compression quality (JPEG only)"));
        pane.addStepComponent(step, sw_compression_quality = new JSpinner(new SpinnerNumberModel((int) (compression_quality * 100), 0, 100, 10)));

// there are accessible final variables
        final HashMap<Integer, Action> color_options = new HashMap<Integer, Action>();
        final HashMap<Integer, Boolean> color_options_switch = new HashMap<Integer, Boolean>();
        sw_color_option = new HashMap<Integer, JCheckBox>();
        final int BLACKANDWHITE = 0;
        final int CANVASSCALEONLY = 1;

// you can define final actions that will act with buttons or checkboxes
        color_options.put(BLACKANDWHITE, new AbstractAction("black & white") {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                blackAndWhiteEnabled = sw_color_option.get(BLACKANDWHITE).isSelected();
        color_options_switch.put(BLACKANDWHITE, blackAndWhiteEnabled);

        for (Iterator<Integer> i = color_options.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            int aKey =;
            sw_color_option.put(aKey, new JCheckBox(color_options.get(aKey)));
            pane.addStepComponent(step, new JLabel(color_options.get(aKey).getValue(Action.NAME).toString()));
            pane.addStepComponent(step, sw_color_option.get(aKey));
// Applet may be visible so validate in swing EDT
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Related Classes of net.sf.jiga.xtended.ui.InstructionsPane

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