public Object createObject(Attributes atts) throws JRException
// Create an empty axis formatting object
JRAxisFormat axisLabel = new JRAxisFormat();
// Set the label color
String attrValue = atts.getValue(JRXmlConstants.ATTRIBUTE_labelColor);
if (attrValue != null && attrValue.length() > 0)
Color color = JRColorUtil.getColor(attrValue, null);
// Set the tick label color
attrValue = atts.getValue(JRXmlConstants.ATTRIBUTE_tickLabelColor);
if (attrValue != null && attrValue.length() > 0)
Color color = JRColorUtil.getColor(attrValue, null);
// Set the tick mask
attrValue = atts.getValue(JRXmlConstants.ATTRIBUTE_tickLabelMask);
if (attrValue != null && attrValue.length() > 0)
// Set the vertical tick labels flag
attrValue = atts.getValue(JRXmlConstants.ATTRIBUTE_verticalTickLabels);
if (attrValue != null && attrValue.length() > 0)
// And finally set the axis line color
attrValue = atts.getValue(JRXmlConstants.ATTRIBUTE_axisLineColor);
if (attrValue != null && attrValue.length() > 0)
Color color = JRColorUtil.getColor(attrValue, null);
// Any fonts set will be put in the axis format object by the digester.
return axisLabel;