/** Show groups that, if selected, would show at least one
* of the entries found in the specified search. */
protected void showOverlappingGroups(List<BibtexEntry> matches) { //DatabaseSearch search) {
GroupTreeNode node;
SearchRule rule;
BibtexEntry entry;
Vector<GroupTreeNode> vec = new Vector<GroupTreeNode>();
Map<String, String> dummyMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); // just because I don't want to use null...
for (Enumeration<GroupTreeNode> e = groupsRoot.depthFirstEnumeration(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
node = e.nextElement();
rule = node.getSearchRule();
for (Iterator<BibtexEntry> it = matches.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
entry = it.next();
if (rule.applyRule(dummyMap, entry) == 0)