* menu should be shown.
* @param e The triggering mouse event.
public void processPopupTrigger(MouseEvent e) {
BibtexEntry entry = sortedEntries.get(entryTable.rowAtPoint(e.getPoint()));
BasePanel p = entryHome.get(entry);
int col = entryTable.columnAtPoint(e.getPoint());
JPopupMenu menu = new JPopupMenu();
int count = 0;
if (col == FILE_COL) {
// We use a FileListTableModel to parse the field content:
Object o = entry.getField(GUIGlobals.FILE_FIELD);
FileListTableModel fileList = new FileListTableModel();
// If there are one or more links, open the first one:
for (int i=0; i<fileList.getRowCount(); i++) {
FileListEntry flEntry = fileList.getEntry(i);
String description = flEntry.getDescription();
if ((description == null) || (description.trim().length() == 0))
description = flEntry.getLink();
menu.add(new ExternalFileMenuItem(p.frame(), entry, description,
flEntry.getLink(), flEntry.getType().getIcon(), p.metaData(),