Ehcache CacheManagers and Caches have lifecycles. Often normal use of a CacheManager will be to shut it down and create a new one from within a running JVM. For example, in Java EE environments, applications are often undeployed and then redeployed. A servlet listener, {@link net.sf.ehcache.constructs.web.ShutdownListener} enables thisto be detected and the CacheManager shutdown.
When a CacheManager is shut down we need to ensure there is no memory, resource or thread leakage. An MBeanServer, particularly a platform MBeanServer, can be expected to exist for the lifespan of the JVM. Accordingly, we need to deregister them when needed without creating a leakage.
The second purpose of this class (and this package) is to keep management concerns away from the core ehcache packages. That way, JMX is not a required dependency, but rather an optional one.
This class is constructable as of 1.5 to support injection via IoC containers.
@author Greg Luck
@version $Id: 780 2008-09-19 20:47:02Z gregluck $
@since 1.3