final MavenPluginConfigurationTranslator cfgTranslator)
throws CheckstylePluginException, CoreException {
// get the ruleset from configLocation
final URL ruleset = cfgTranslator.getRuleset();
// build or get the checkconfig
final ICheckConfiguration checkCfg =
this.createOrGetCheckstyleConfig(pcWorkingCopy, ruleset, cfgTranslator.getExecutionId());
if (checkCfg == null) {
throw new CheckstylePluginException(
String.format("Failed to construct CheckConfig,SKIPPING checkstyle configuration"));
// update filesets (include and exclude patterns)
cfgTranslator.updateCheckConfigWithIncludeExcludePatterns(pcWorkingCopy, checkCfg);
* 2. Load all properties
// get Properties from propertiesLocation
final Properties props = cfgTranslator.getConfiguredProperties();
// add the header file location to the props.
String headerFile = cfgTranslator.getHeaderFile();
if (headerFile != null) {
props.setProperty("checkstyle.header.file", headerFile);
// add the suppressions file location to the props.
String suppressionsFile = cfgTranslator.getSuppressionsFile();
if (suppressionsFile != null) {
// add the cache file location to the props.
props.setProperty("checkstyle.cache.file", ECLIPSE_CS_CACHE_FILENAME);
// Load all properties in the checkConfig
final List<ResolvableProperty> csProps =
for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : props.entrySet()) {
csProps.add(new ResolvableProperty((String) entry.getKey(),
(String) entry.getValue()));