public void editionFound(FreenetURI uri, long edition, boolean newKnownGood, boolean newSlot) {
logger.log(Level.FINEST, String.format("Found update for %s: %d, %s, %s", uri, edition, newKnownGood, newSlot));
if (newKnownGood || newSlot) {
Fetched uriResult = freenetInterface.fetchUri(uri.setMetaString(new String[] { "sone.properties" }));
if (uriResult == null) {
logger.log(Level.WARNING, String.format("Could not fetch properties of latest homepage: %s", uri));
Bucket resultBucket = uriResult.getFetchResult().asBucket();
try {
parseProperties(resultBucket.getInputStream(), edition);
latestEdition = edition;
} catch (IOException ioe1) {
logger.log(Level.WARNING, String.format("Could not parse sone.properties of %s!", uri), ioe1);