ffAudio[0] = new ProcessWrapperImpl(ffmpegLPCMextract, ffparams);
} else {
ffAudioPipe = new PipeIPCProcess[numAudioTracks];
ffAudio = new ProcessWrapperImpl[numAudioTracks];
for (int i = 0; i < media.getAudioTracksList().size(); i++) {
DLNAMediaAudio audio = media.getAudioTracksList().get(i);
ffAudioPipe[i] = new PipeIPCProcess(System.currentTimeMillis() + "ffmpeg" + i, System.currentTimeMillis() + "audioout" + i, false, true);
* Disable AC3 remux for stereo tracks with 384 kbits bitrate and PS3 renderer (PS3 FW bug?)
* Commented out until we can find a way to detect when a video has an audio track that switches from 2 to 6 channels
* because MEncoder can't handle those files, which are very common these days.
boolean ps3_and_stereo_and_384_kbits = params.aid != null &&
(params.mediaRenderer.isPS3() && params.aid.getAudioProperties().getNumberOfChannels() == 2) &&
(params.aid.getBitRate() > 370000 && params.aid.getBitRate() < 400000);
encodedAudioPassthrough = configuration.isEncodedAudioPassthrough() && params.aid.isNonPCMEncodedAudio() && params.mediaRenderer.isWrapEncodedAudioIntoPCM();
ac3Remux = audio.isAC3() && configuration.isAudioRemuxAC3() && !encodedAudioPassthrough;
dtsRemux = configuration.isAudioEmbedDtsInPcm() && audio.isDTS() && params.mediaRenderer.isDTSPlayable() && !encodedAudioPassthrough;
pcm = configuration.isAudioUsePCM() &&
media.isValidForLPCMTranscoding() &&
audio.isLossless() ||
(audio.isDTS() && audio.getAudioProperties().getNumberOfChannels() <= 6) ||
audio.isTrueHD() ||
!configuration.isMencoderUsePcmForHQAudioOnly() &&
audio.isAC3() ||
audio.isMP3() ||
audio.isAAC() ||
audio.isVorbis() ||
// audio.isWMA() ||
) && params.mediaRenderer.isLPCMPlayable();
int channels;
if (ac3Remux) {
channels = audio.getAudioProperties().getNumberOfChannels(); // AC-3 remux
} else if (dtsRemux || encodedAudioPassthrough) {
channels = 2;
} else if (pcm) {
channels = audio.getAudioProperties().getNumberOfChannels();
} else {
channels = configuration.getAudioChannelCount(); // 5.1 max for AC-3 encoding
if (!ac3Remux && (dtsRemux || pcm || encodedAudioPassthrough)) {
// DTS remux or LPCM
StreamModifier sm = new StreamModifier();
sm.setSampleFrequency(audio.getSampleRate() < 48000 ? 48000 : audio.getSampleRate());
if (!params.mediaRenderer.isMuxDTSToMpeg()) {
String mixer = null;
if (pcm && !dtsRemux && !encodedAudioPassthrough) {
mixer = getLPCMChannelMappingForMencoder(audio);
ffmpegLPCMextract = new String[]{
"-ss", params.timeseek > 0 ? "" + params.timeseek : "0",
params.stdin != null ? "-" : filename,
evoValue1, evoValue2,
"-msglevel", "statusline=2",
"-channels", "" + sm.getNbChannels(),
"-ovc", "copy",
"-of", "rawaudio",
"-mc", sm.isDtsEmbed() || sm.isEncodedAudioPassthrough() ? "0.1" : "0",
"-oac", sm.isDtsEmbed() || sm.isEncodedAudioPassthrough() ? "copy" : "pcm",
isNotBlank(mixer) ? "-af" : "-quiet", isNotBlank(mixer) ? mixer : "-quiet",
singleMediaAudio ? "-quiet" : "-aid", singleMediaAudio ? "-quiet" : ("" + audio.getId()),
"-srate", "48000",
"-o", ffAudioPipe[i].getInputPipe()
} else {
// AC-3 remux or encoding
ffmpegLPCMextract = new String[]{
"-ss", params.timeseek > 0 ? "" + params.timeseek : "0",
params.stdin != null ? "-" : filename,
evoValue1, evoValue2,
"-msglevel", "statusline=2",
"-channels", "" + channels,
"-ovc", "copy",
"-of", "rawaudio",
"-mc", "0",
"-oac", (ac3Remux) ? "copy" : "lavc",
audio.isAC3() ? "-fafmttag" : "-quiet", audio.isAC3() ? "0x2000" : "-quiet",
"-lavcopts", "acodec=" + (configuration.isMencoderAc3Fixed() ? "ac3_fixed" : "ac3") + ":abitrate=" + CodecUtil.getAC3Bitrate(configuration, audio),
"-af", "lavcresample=48000",
"-srate", "48000",
singleMediaAudio ? "-quiet" : "-aid", singleMediaAudio ? "-quiet" : ("" + audio.getId()),
"-o", ffAudioPipe[i].getInputPipe()
ffparams = new OutputParams(configuration);
ffparams.maxBufferSize = 1;
ffparams.stdin = params.stdin;
ffAudio[i] = new ProcessWrapperImpl(ffmpegLPCMextract, ffparams);
File f = new File(configuration.getTempFolder(), "pms-tsmuxer.meta");
params.log = false;
try (PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(f)) {
pw.print("MUXOPT --no-pcr-on-video-pid");
pw.print(" --new-audio-pes");
pw.print(" --no-asyncio");
pw.print(" --vbr");
pw.println(" --vbv-len=500");
String videoparams = "level=4.1, insertSEI, contSPS, track=1";
if (this instanceof TsMuxeRAudio) {
videoparams = "track=224";
if (configuration.isFix25FPSAvMismatch()) {
fps = "25";
pw.println(videoType + ", \"" + ffVideoPipe.getOutputPipe() + "\", " + (fps != null ? ("fps=" + fps + ", ") : "") + (width != -1 ? ("video-width=" + width + ", ") : "") + (height != -1 ? ("video-height=" + height + ", ") : "") + videoparams);
if (ffAudioPipe != null && ffAudioPipe.length == 1) {
String timeshift = "";
boolean ac3Remux;
boolean dtsRemux;
boolean encodedAudioPassthrough;
boolean pcm;
* Disable AC3 remux for stereo tracks with 384 kbits bitrate and PS3 renderer (PS3 FW bug?)
* Commented out until we can find a way to detect when a video has an audio track that switches from 2 to 6 channels
* because MEncoder can't handle those files, which are very common these days.
boolean ps3_and_stereo_and_384_kbits = params.aid != null &&
(params.mediaRenderer.isPS3() && params.aid.getAudioProperties().getNumberOfChannels() == 2) &&
(params.aid.getBitRate() > 370000 && params.aid.getBitRate() < 400000);
encodedAudioPassthrough = configuration.isEncodedAudioPassthrough() && params.aid.isNonPCMEncodedAudio() && params.mediaRenderer.isWrapEncodedAudioIntoPCM();
ac3Remux = params.aid.isAC3() && configuration.isAudioRemuxAC3() && !encodedAudioPassthrough;
dtsRemux = configuration.isAudioEmbedDtsInPcm() && params.aid.isDTS() && params.mediaRenderer.isDTSPlayable() && !encodedAudioPassthrough;
pcm = configuration.isAudioUsePCM() &&
media.isValidForLPCMTranscoding() &&
params.aid.isLossless() ||
(params.aid.isDTS() && params.aid.getAudioProperties().getNumberOfChannels() <= 6) ||
params.aid.isTrueHD() ||
!configuration.isMencoderUsePcmForHQAudioOnly() &&
params.aid.isAC3() ||
params.aid.isMP3() ||
params.aid.isAAC() ||
params.aid.isVorbis() ||
// params.aid.isWMA() ||
) && params.mediaRenderer.isLPCMPlayable();
String type = "A_AC3";
if (ac3Remux) {
// AC-3 remux takes priority
type = "A_AC3";
} else {
if (pcm || this instanceof TsMuxeRAudio) {
type = "A_LPCM";
if (encodedAudioPassthrough || this instanceof TsMuxeRAudio) {
type = "A_LPCM";
if (dtsRemux || this instanceof TsMuxeRAudio) {
type = "A_LPCM";
if (params.mediaRenderer.isMuxDTSToMpeg()) {
type = "A_DTS";
if (params.aid != null && params.aid.getAudioProperties().getAudioDelay() != 0 && params.timeseek == 0) {
timeshift = "timeshift=" + params.aid.getAudioProperties().getAudioDelay() + "ms, ";
pw.println(type + ", \"" + ffAudioPipe[0].getOutputPipe() + "\", " + timeshift + "track=2");
} else if (ffAudioPipe != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < media.getAudioTracksList().size(); i++) {
DLNAMediaAudio lang = media.getAudioTracksList().get(i);
String timeshift = "";
boolean ac3Remux;
boolean dtsRemux;
boolean encodedAudioPassthrough;
boolean pcm;
* Disable AC3 remux for stereo tracks with 384 kbits bitrate and PS3 renderer (PS3 FW bug?)
* Commented out until we can find a way to detect when a video has an audio track that switches from 2 to 6 channels
* because MEncoder can't handle those files, which are very common these days.
boolean ps3_and_stereo_and_384_kbits = params.aid != null &&
(params.mediaRenderer.isPS3() && params.aid.getAudioProperties().getNumberOfChannels() == 2) &&
(params.aid.getBitRate() > 370000 && params.aid.getBitRate() < 400000);
encodedAudioPassthrough = configuration.isEncodedAudioPassthrough() && params.aid.isNonPCMEncodedAudio() && params.mediaRenderer.isWrapEncodedAudioIntoPCM();
ac3Remux = lang.isAC3() && configuration.isAudioRemuxAC3() && !encodedAudioPassthrough;
dtsRemux = configuration.isAudioEmbedDtsInPcm() && lang.isDTS() && params.mediaRenderer.isDTSPlayable() && !encodedAudioPassthrough;
pcm = configuration.isAudioUsePCM() &&
media.isValidForLPCMTranscoding() &&
lang.isLossless() ||
(lang.isDTS() && lang.getAudioProperties().getNumberOfChannels() <= 6) ||
lang.isTrueHD() ||
!configuration.isMencoderUsePcmForHQAudioOnly() &&
params.aid.isAC3() ||
params.aid.isMP3() ||
params.aid.isAAC() ||
params.aid.isVorbis() ||
// params.aid.isWMA() ||
) && params.mediaRenderer.isLPCMPlayable();
String type = "A_AC3";
if (ac3Remux) {
// AC-3 remux takes priority
type = "A_AC3";
} else {
if (pcm) {
type = "A_LPCM";
if (encodedAudioPassthrough) {
type = "A_LPCM";
if (dtsRemux) {
type = "A_LPCM";
if (params.mediaRenderer.isMuxDTSToMpeg()) {
type = "A_DTS";
if (lang.getAudioProperties().getAudioDelay() != 0 && params.timeseek == 0) {
timeshift = "timeshift=" + lang.getAudioProperties().getAudioDelay() + "ms, ";
pw.println(type + ", \"" + ffAudioPipe[i].getOutputPipe() + "\", " + timeshift + "track=" + (2 + i));