* @param speed to move with
public void moveTo(Location location, double speed) {
EntityLiving nmsEntity = CommonNMS.getNative(this.entity);
if(nmsEntity instanceof EntityInsentient) {
Navigation navigation = (Navigation) EntityLivingRef.getNavigation.invoke(nmsEntity);
double x = location.getX();
double y = location.getY();
double z = location.getZ();
if(!navigation.a(x, y, z, speed)) {
int dx = MathUtil.floor(x);
int dy = (int) y;
int dz = MathUtil.floor(z);
PathEntity path = nmsEntity.world.a(nmsEntity, dx, dy, dz, (float) this.getPathfindingRange(), true, false, false, true);
this.moveWithPath(path, speed);