Package net.jini.jeri

Examples of net.jini.jeri.ServerCapabilities

        ep = getServerEndpoint();
        if (!(ep instanceof ServerCapabilities)){
            throw new TestException(ep + " does not implement"
                + " ServerCapabilities.");
        ServerCapabilities serverEndpoint = (ServerCapabilities) ep;
        //Obtain constraints
        InvocationConstraints conflictingConstraints =
            (InvocationConstraints) getConfigObject(
                InvocationConstraints.class, "conflictingConstraints");
        InvocationConstraints unsupportedConstraints =
            (InvocationConstraints) getConfigObject(
                InvocationConstraints.class, "unsupportedConstraints");
        boolean integritySupported = ((Boolean)getConfigObject(
            Boolean.class, "integritySupported")).booleanValue();
        //Verify conflicting constraints
        boolean exceptionThrown = false;
        try {
        } catch (UnsupportedConstraintException e){
            exceptionThrown = true;
        if (!exceptionThrown) {
            throw new TestException("Conflicting constraints"
                + " did not generate an UnsupportedConstraintsException"
                + " for " + ep);
        //Verify unsupported constraints
        exceptionThrown = false;
        try {
        } catch (UnsupportedConstraintException e){
            exceptionThrown = true;
        if (!exceptionThrown) {
            throw new TestException("Unsupported constraints"
                + " did not generate an UnsupportedConstraintsException"
                + " for " + ep);
        if (integritySupported) {
            //Verify integrity
            boolean integrityReturned = false;
            InvocationConstraints returned = serverEndpoint
                    new InvocationConstraints(Integrity.YES,null));
            Iterator it = returned.requirements().iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                InvocationConstraint ic = (InvocationConstraint);
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