Package net.jini.core.transaction

Examples of net.jini.core.transaction.CannotCommitException

  //If the transaction has already expired or the state
  //is not amenable, don't even try to continue

  if ((getState() == ACTIVE) && (ensureCurrent() == false)) {
      throw new CannotCommitException("Lease expired");

  if (getState() == ABORTED)
      throw new CannotCommitException("attempt to commit " +
              "ABORTED transaction");

  //Check to see if anyone joined the transaction.  Even
  //if no one has joined, at this point, attempt to
  //get to the COMMITTED state through valid state changes

        Vector joinvec = parthandles();
        if (joinvec == null) {
      if (!modifyTxnState(VOTING))
    throw new CannotCommitException("attempt to commit " +
            "ABORTED transaction");

      if (modifyTxnState(COMMITTED))
    throw new CannotCommitException("attempt to commit " +
            "ABORTED transaction");

  try {
      Enumeration joined = joinvec.elements();
      int numparts = joinvec.size();
      ParticipantHandle[] phs = new ParticipantHandle[numparts];

            long now = starttime;
            long transpired = 0;
            long remainder = 0;

      ClientLog log = logmgr.logFor(;

            if (transactionsLogger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
                "{0} TransactionParticipants have joined",
    new Integer(numparts));

      //If commit is called after recovery, do not
      //log a CommitRecord since it already exists
      //exists in the Log file for this transaction.
      //Remember that a log is not invalidated until
      //after the transaction is committed.
      //Only new occurrences of activities requiring
      //logging which happen after recovery should
      //be added to the log file.  So, we add records
      //for voting and roll forward/back activity for
      //ACTIVE participants.
      //If the state cannot validly transition to VOTING,
      //it is either because someone already aborted or
      //committed.  Only throw an exception if  someone
      //has previously aborted.  In the case of a prior
      //commit, fall through and wait for the CommitJob
      //to complete.

      int oldstate = getState();
      Integer result = new Integer(ABORTED);
            Exception alternateException = null;

      //On an ACTIVE to VOTING transition, create
      //and schedule a Prepare or PrepareAndCommitJob.
      //If the state transition is VOTING to VOTING,
      //then the PrepareJob has already been created
      //in the past, so just fall through and wait
      //for it to complete.
      //Only log the commit on ACTIVE to VOTING

      if (modifyTxnState(VOTING)) {

    if (oldstate == ACTIVE)
        log.write(new CommitRecord(phs));

    //preparing a participant can never override
    //the other activities (abort or commit),
    //so only set when the job is null.

          synchronized (jobLock) {
        if (job == null) {
                  if (phs.length == 1)
                job = new
          str, threadpool, wm, log, phs[0]);
                      job = new PrepareJob(str, threadpool, wm, log, phs);


    //Wait for the PrepareJob to complete.
    //PrepareJobs are given maximum time for
    //completion.  This is required in order to
    //know the transaction's completion status.
    //Remember that the timeout ONLY controls how
    //long the caller is willing to wait to inform
    //participants.  This means that a completion
    //status for the transaction MUST be computed
    //before consulting the timeout.
    //Timeout is ignored until completion status
    //is known.  If extra time is left, wait for
    //the remainder to inform participants.

    //We must explicitly check for Job type
    //because someone else could have aborted
    //the transaction at this point.

                synchronized (jobLock) {
        if ((job instanceof PrepareJob) ||
          (job instanceof PrepareAndCommitJob)) {
                        try {
                            if (job.isCompleted(Long.MAX_VALUE)) {
                                result = (Integer) job.computeResult();
                                if (result.intValue() == ABORTED &&
                                    job instanceof PrepareAndCommitJob) {
                                        PrepareAndCommitJob pj =
                                        alternateException =
                        } catch (JobNotStartedException jnse) {
                            //no participants voted, so do nothing
                            result = new Integer(NOTCHANGED);
                        } catch (ResultNotReadyException rnre) {
                            //consider aborted
                        } catch (JobException je) {
                            //consider aborted
      } else {
    //Cannot be VOTING, so we either have
    //an abort or commit in progress.

    if (getState() == ABORTED)
        throw new CannotCommitException("transaction ABORTED");

                //If a CommitJob is already in progress
    //(the state is COMMITTED) cause a fall
    //through to the code which waits for
                //the CommitJob to complete.

                if (getState() == COMMITTED)
                    result = new Integer(COMMITTED);

            if (transactionsLogger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
                "Voting result: {0}",

      switch (result.intValue()) {
        case NOTCHANGED:

        case ABORTED:
                now = System.currentTimeMillis();
                transpired = now - starttime;
                remainder = waitFor - transpired;

    if (remainder >=0)

                if (alternateException == null) {
                    throw new CannotCommitException(
                        "Unable to commit transaction: "
                        + getParticipantInfo());
                } else {
                    throw new RemoteException(
                        "Problem communicating with participant",

        case PREPARED:
    //This entrypoint is entered if a PrepareJob
    //tallied the votes with an outcome of
    //PREPARED.  In order to inform participants,
    //a CommitJob must be scheduled.

    if(modifyTxnState(COMMITTED)) {
//TODO - log committed state record?   
                    synchronized (jobLock) {
                        job = new CommitJob(str, threadpool, wm, log, phs);
    } else {
        throw new CannotCommitException("attempt to commit " +
                  "ABORTED transaction");

    //Fall through to code with waits
    //for CommitJob to complete.

        case COMMITTED:
    //This entrypoint is the starting place for the code
    //which waits for a CommitJob to complete and
    //computes its resulting outcome. In addition,
    //the wait time is enforced.  Should the wait time
    //expire, a SettlerTask is scheduled on a thread
    //pool.  The SettlerTask is needed to complete
    //the commit (instruct participants to roll-forward)
    //on behalf of the thread which exits when
    //the TimeoutExpiredException is thrown.
                //It is reached when...
    // a) A commit was called on the same transaction twice.
    //    When the thread comes in on the commit call, a
    //    CommitJob already exists and the state is COMMITTED.
    // b) The normal case where a PrepareJob was found to
    //    have prepared the transaction and the tally of
    //    votes resulted in a PREPARED outcome.  This causes
    //    the state to be changed to COMMITTED and a
    //    CommitJob to be created.
    // c) A PrepareAndCommitJob has successfully prepared
    //    a participant which rolled its changes forward.
                //Note:  By checking to see if the CommitJob is already
                //       present, this check allows us to use the same
    //   wait-for-CommitJob code for the regular
    //       PREPARE/COMMIT, the COMMIT/COMMIT and
    //       the PREPAREANDCOMMIT cases.
      synchronized (jobLock) {
          //A prepareAndCommitJob is done at this
          //point since the TransactionParticipant
          //would have instructed itself to roll

          if (job instanceof PrepareAndCommitJob) {
            throw new CannotCommitException("transaction " +

          //If the abort already arrived, then stop

          if (job instanceof AbortJob)
         throw new CannotCommitException("transaction " +

                  if (getState() != COMMITTED)
                        throw new
                            InternalManagerException("TxnManagerTransaction: " +
                                    "commit: " + job + " got bad state: " +

    now = System.currentTimeMillis();
    transpired = now - starttime;

    boolean committed = false;

    //If the commit is asynchronous then...
    // a) check to see if the wait time has transpired
    // b) If it hasn't, sleep for what's left from the wait time

    try {
        remainder = waitFor - transpired;
        synchronized (jobLock) {
            if (remainder <= 0 || !job.isCompleted(remainder)) {
* Note - SettlerTask will kick off another Commit/Abort task for the same txn
* which will try go through the VOTING->Commit states again.
//TODO - Kill off existing task? Postpone SettlerTask?      
          throw new TimeoutExpiredException(
              "timeout expired", true);
      } else {
          result = (Integer) job.computeResult();
          committed = true;
    } catch (ResultNotReadyException rnre) {
        //this should not happen, so flag
        //as an error.
    } catch (JobNotStartedException jnse) {
        //an error
    } catch (JobException je) {
        //an error

    if (committed)

                throw new InternalManagerException("TxnManagerTransaction: " +
                "commit: " + job + " got bad state: " +

      //We don't care about the result from
      //the CommitJob
  } catch (RuntimeException rte) {
            if (transactionsLogger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
                "Problem committing transaction",
            throw rte;
  } catch (LogException le) {
            if (transactionsLogger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
                "Problem persisting transaction",
      throw new CannotCommitException("Unable to log");
        if (operationsLogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
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Related Classes of net.jini.core.transaction.CannotCommitException

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