ParserOptions parserOptions = new CCRParserOptions();
jangarooParser = new JangarooParser(parserOptions, new StdOutCompileLog()) {
protected InputSource findSource(String qname) {
InputSource inputSource = super.findSource(qname);
if (inputSource != null) {
// A regular source file (not a generated file) has been found. Use it.
return inputSource;
// Just in case the requested class is a class
// that is generated from an EXML file, regenerate the file before
// it is too late. This will only affect generated files, so it is pretty safe.
// Just in case the source was not found on the first attempt, fetch it again.
return super.findSource(qname);
List<File> fullClassPath = new ArrayList<File>(config.getClassPath());
InputSource classPathInputSource = PathInputSource.fromFiles(fullClassPath,
new String[]{"", JangarooParser.JOO_API_IN_JAR_DIRECTORY_PREFIX}, false);
jangarooParser.setUp(sourcePathInputSource, classPathInputSource);
exmlConfigPackageXsdGenerator = new ExmlConfigPackageXsdGenerator();