3.org/TR/html401/intro/sgmltut.html#didx-element-3">end tag of an {@linkplain Element element} in a specific {@linkplain Source source} document.
An end tag always has a {@linkplain #getTagType() type} that is a subclass of {@link EndTagType}, meaning it always starts with the characters '</
instances are obtained using one of the following methods:
- {@link Element#getEndTag()}
- {@link Tag#getNextTag()}
- {@link Tag#getPreviousTag()}
- {@link Source#getPreviousEndTag(int pos)}
- {@link Source#getPreviousEndTag(int pos,String name)}
- {@link Source#getPreviousTag(int pos)}
- {@link Source#getPreviousTag(int pos, TagType)}
- {@link Source#getNextEndTag(int pos)}
- {@link Source#getNextEndTag(int pos,String name)}
- {@link Source#getNextEndTag(int pos, String name, EndTagType)}
- {@link Source#getNextTag(int pos)}
- {@link Source#getNextTag(int pos, TagType)}
- {@link Source#getEnclosingTag(int pos)}
- {@link Source#getEnclosingTag(int pos, TagType)}
- {@link Source#getTagAt(int pos)}
- {@link Segment#getAllTags()}
- {@link Segment#getAllTags(TagType)}
The {@link Tag} superclass defines the {@link Tag#getName() getName()} method used to get the name of this end tag.
See also the XML 1.0 specification for end tags.
@see Tag
@see StartTag
@see Element