public HSSFWorkbook runRuleflowExample() throws IOException, DroolsParserException, ClassNotFoundException{
//Handle to the Spreadsheet Rule Runner and Rule file loader
IRuleLoader ruleLoader = new FileRuleLoader();
SpreadSheetRuleRunner sheetRuleRunner = new SpreadSheetRuleRunner(ruleLoader);
//Start Integrate in new RuleRunner
//Identify where the rules are stored
RuleSource ruleSource = new RuleSource();
//Get the URL
File excelDataFile = new File(EXCEL_DATA_FILE);
//Call the rule engine passing in the excel data file, the rules we want to use, and name of the spreadsheet that we log rules to
HSSFWorkbook wb = sheetRuleRunner.callRules(excelDataFile,ruleSource, EXCEL_LOG_WORKSHEET_NAME);
//Output the workbook as a file,
SpreadSheetOutputter.outputToFile(wb, EXCEL_LOG_WORKSHEET_NAME);