This widget will only work in standards mode, which requires that the HTML page in which it is run have an explicit <!DOCTYPE> declaration.
A TabLayoutPanel element in a {@link UiBinder} template must have a barHeight
attribute with a doublevalue, and may have a barUnit
attribute with a {@link Style.Unit} value.barUnit
defaults to PX.
The children of a TabLayoutPanel element are laid out in <g:tab> elements. Each tab can have one widget child and one of two types of header elements. A <g:header> element can hold html, or a <g:customHeader> element can hold a widget. (Note that the tags of the header elements are not capitalized. This is meant to signal that the head is not a runtime object, and so cannot have a ui:field
For example:
<g:TabLayoutPanel barUnit='EM' barHeight='3'> <g:tab> <g:header size='7'><b>HTML</b> header</g:header> <g:Label>able</g:Label> </g:tab> <g:tab> <g:customHeader size='7'> <g:Label>Custom header</g:Label> </g:customHeader> <g:Label>baker</g:Label> </g:tab> </g:TabLayoutPanel>Note: This widget is a {@link TabLayoutPanel} except CSS Style Rules which are based on .gwt-VerticalTabLayoutPanel