if (args.length == 4) { // Here we have world and group name
// we have world and parent set!
// We require this to get the real fqname of the world,
// since a user could pass only the world group name which parseWorld
// will evaluate as the NORMAL dimension.
World world = ToolBox.parseWorld(args[3]);
if (world == null) { // Whoops!
caller.notice(Translator.translateAndFormat("group unknown world", args[3]));
worldName = world.getFqName();
parent = Canary.usersAndGroups().getGroup(args[2]);
if (parent == null) {
caller.notice(Translator.translateAndFormat("group unknown parent", args[2]));
if (!parent.getWorldName().equals(worldName)) {
caller.notice(Translator.translateAndFormat("group parent world mismatch", parent.getName(), parent.getWorldName(), worldName));
if (args.length == 3) { // This can be only a world or a group name
parent = Canary.usersAndGroups().getGroup(args[2]);
if (parent == null) {
caller.notice(Translator.translateAndFormat("group unknown parent", args[2]));
World world = ToolBox.parseWorld(args[2]);
if (world == null) {
caller.notice(Translator.translateAndFormat("group unknown world", args[3]));
else {
worldName = world.getFqName();
String groupworld = parent.getWorldName();
if (worldName != null && !(groupworld != null && groupworld.equals(worldName))) {
//Cannot add a parent from another world
caller.notice(Translator.translateAndFormat("group parent world mismatch", parent.getName(), parent.getWorldName(), worldName));