public Object filter(Object object, JangodInterpreter interpreter, String... arg)
throws InterpretException {
if ( arg.length != 1) {
throw new InterpretException("filter add expects 1 arg >>> " + arg.length);
Object toAdd = interpreter.resolveObject(arg[0]);
Number num;
if ( toAdd instanceof String ) {
try {
num = new BigDecimal(toAdd.toString());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new InterpretException("filter add arg can't cast to number >>> " + toAdd);
} else if ( toAdd instanceof Number ) {
num = (Number) toAdd;
} else {
return object;
if ( object instanceof Integer ) {
return 0L + num.intValue() + (Integer)object;
if ( object instanceof Float ) {
return 0D + num.floatValue() + (Float)object;
if ( object instanceof Long ) {
return num.longValue() + (Long)object;
if ( object instanceof Short ) {
return 0 + num.shortValue() + (Short)object;
if ( object instanceof Double ) {
return num.doubleValue() + (Double)object;
if ( object instanceof BigDecimal ) {
return ((BigDecimal)object).add(BigDecimal.valueOf(num.doubleValue()));
if ( object instanceof BigInteger ) {
return ((BigInteger)object).add(BigInteger.valueOf(num.longValue()));
if ( object instanceof Byte ) {
return num.byteValue() + (Byte)object;
if ( object instanceof String ) {
try {
String sv = (String) object;
if ( sv.contains(".") ) {
return num.doubleValue() + Double.valueOf(sv);
} else {
return num.longValue() + Long.valueOf(sv);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new InterpretException(object + " can't be dealed with add filter");
return object;