Rectangular real area, i.e. hyperparallelepiped in multidimensional space with real coordinates of vertices. All edges of the hyperparallelepiped are parallel to coordinate axes. In 1-dimensional case it is an equivalent of {@link Range} class,in 2-dimensional case it is an analog of the standard java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D class.
More precisely, the region, specified by this class, is defined by two n-dimensional points with real coordinates ( {@link Point}), named the minimal vertex min and maximal vertex max, and consists of all such points
min. {@link Point#coord(int) coord(0)} ≤ x0 ≤max. {@link Point#coord(int) coord(0)},
min. {@link Point#coord(int) coord(1)} ≤ x1 ≤max. {@link Point#coord(int) coord(1)},
min. {@link Point#coord(int) coord(n-1)} ≤ xn−1 ≤max. {@link Point#coord(int) coord(n-1)}.
The min and max points are specified while creating an instance of this class and can be retrieved by {@link #min()} and {@link #max()} methods.
The coordinates of the minimal vertex min. {@link Point#coord(int) coord(i)}are never greater than the corresponding coordinates of the maximal vertex max. {@link Point#coord(int) coord(i)}, and all coordinates of both vertices are never Double.NaN.
All calculations in this class are performed in strictfp mode, so the result is absolutely identical on all platforms.
This class is immutable and thread-safe: there are no ways to modify settings of the created instance.
AlgART Laboratory 2007–2014
@author Daniel Alievsky @version 1.2 @since JDK 1.5 @see IRectangularArea