final Map<Integer, NewsItem> news = new HashMap<Integer, NewsItem>();
public NewsServiceImpl() {
int n1id = news.size();
NewsItem newsOne = new NewsItem(n1id); = createUser("Joe", "Simpson", 12, "wooo.png");
newsOne.title = "Fassbinder";
newsOne.text = "Blah blah blah";
newsOne.postTime = new Date();
news.put(n1id, newsOne);
int n2id = news.size();
NewsItem newsTwo = new NewsItem(n2id); = createUser("Moo", "Wangwang", 27, "foo.png");
newsTwo.title = "Second news";
newsTwo.text = "Hello! The news are from the second hand";
newsTwo.postTime = new Date();
news.put(n2id, newsTwo);
int n3id = news.size();
NewsItem newsThree = new NewsItem(n3id); = createUser("Boo", "Trolalah", 81, "foo.png");
newsThree.title = "I don't know Internet";
newsThree.text = "I had a dream, when I was young, a dream of sweet illusion.";
newsThree.postTime = new Date();
news.put(n3id, newsThree);