" xmlns:foo="" xmlns:bar="" id="B001DZTJRQ"> <!-- XML that has erything inside. Just like the Wenger 16999 Swiss Army Knife --> <description><![CDATA[ Call it what you will, it's a knife that's unrivaled, impractical, and enormous, it's more knife than one can carry or would fit in one's pocket ]]></description> <!-- long live the metric system! --> <foo:dimensions foo:unit="cm">11.8 x 10.8 x 4.3</foo:dimensions> <bar:weight bar:unit="g">700</bar:weight> <functions number="more than you'll ever need"> <rocketLauncher kind="advanced" foo:range="intercontinental" bar:dangerous="indeed">5</rocketLauncher> <calculator eval="1 &< 2">2 &> 1</calculator> <bttf:fluxCapacitor xmlns:bttf=""> <bttf:power unit="gigawatts">1.21</bttf:power> </bttf:fluxCapacitor> </functions> </swissArmyKnife> To parse the XML use the following code:
String xml = ...; String namespaces = "xmlns:default=\"\" " + "xmlns:foo=\"\" " + "xmlns:bar=\"\" " + "xmlns:bttf=\"\""; Document document = new XmlParser().parse(xml, namespaces);
@author $Author$
@version $Date$ $Revision: 623$