// <Atom type="1960" charge="1.0" sigma="0.526699322165"
// epsilon="0.00071128"/>
for (int i = 0; i < lib.getAtoms().size(); i++) {
Atom atom = lib.getAtomByIndex(i);
Element AtomElement = new Element("Atom");
Attribute NonbondedForceElementTypeAttribute = new Attribute(
"type", uid + Integer.toString(i));
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.####");
Attribute NonbondedForceElementChargeAttribute = new Attribute(
"charge", df.format(atom.getCharge()));
// Now look up the atomtype from the parm file
AtomType atomType = parameterStore.getAtomByType(atom.getType());
* Convert values; getVdwRadius is in the form of r_min and in
* Angstroms, this needs to be converted to sigma and into nm.