Package mods.railcraft.common.util.misc

Examples of mods.railcraft.common.util.misc.Vec2D

        Block block = cart.worldObj.getBlock(i, j, k);
        if (isLiving && RailcraftBlocks.getBlockElevator() != null && block == RailcraftBlocks.getBlockElevator())

//        System.out.println(cart.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + cart.entityId + " collided with " + other.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + other.entityId);
        Vec2D cartPos = new Vec2D(cart.posX, cart.posZ);
        Vec2D otherPos = new Vec2D(other.posX, other.posZ);

        Vec2D unit = Vec2D.subtract(otherPos, cartPos);

        double distance = cart.getDistanceToEntity(other);
        double depth = distance - OPTIMAL_DISTANCE;

        double forceX = 0;
        double forceZ = 0;

        if (depth < 0) {
            double spring = isPlayer ? COEF_SPRING_PLAYER : COEF_SPRING;
            double penaltyX = spring * depth * unit.getX();
            double penaltyZ = spring * depth * unit.getY();

            forceX += penaltyX;
            forceZ += penaltyZ;

            if (!isPlayer) {
                double impulseX = unit.getX();
                double impulseZ = unit.getY();
                impulseX *= -(1.0 + COEF_RESTITUTION);
                impulseZ *= -(1.0 + COEF_RESTITUTION);

                Vec2D cartVel = new Vec2D(cart.motionX, cart.motionZ);
                Vec2D otherVel = new Vec2D(other.motionX, other.motionZ);

                double dot = Vec2D.subtract(otherVel, cartVel).dotProduct(unit);

                impulseX *= dot;
                impulseZ *= dot;
                impulseX *= 0.5;
                impulseZ *= 0.5;

                forceX -= impulseX;
                forceZ -= impulseZ;

        if (other instanceof EntityMinecart) {
            EntityMinecart otherCart = (EntityMinecart) other;
            if (!cart.isPoweredCart() || otherCart.isPoweredCart())
                if (!RailTools.isCartLockedDown(cart))
                    cart.addVelocity(forceX, 0, forceZ);
            if (!otherCart.isPoweredCart() || cart.isPoweredCart())
                if (!RailTools.isCartLockedDown(otherCart))
                    other.addVelocity(-forceX, 0, -forceZ);
        } else {
//            if(isPlayer) {
//                forceX += Math.abs(cart.motionX - other.motionX) / 2;
//                forceZ += Math.abs(cart.motionZ - other.motionZ) / 2;
//            }
//            System.out.printf("forceX=%f, forceZ=%f%n", forceX, forceZ);
            Vec2D cartVel = new Vec2D(cart.motionX + forceX, cart.motionZ + forceZ);
            Vec2D otherVel = new Vec2D(other.motionX - forceX, other.motionZ - forceZ);

            double dot = Vec2D.subtract(otherVel, cartVel).dotProduct(unit);

            double dampX = COEF_DAMPING * dot * unit.getX();
            double dampZ = COEF_DAMPING * dot * unit.getY();
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        boolean adj1 = canCartBeAdjustedBy(cart1, cart2);
        boolean adj2 = canCartBeAdjustedBy(cart2, cart1);

        Vec2D cart1Pos = new Vec2D(cart1.posX, cart1.posZ);
        Vec2D cart2Pos = new Vec2D(cart2.posX, cart2.posZ);

        Vec2D unit = Vec2D.subtract(cart2Pos, cart1Pos);

        // Energy transfer

//        double transX = TRANSFER * (cart2.motionX - cart1.motionX);
//        double transZ = TRANSFER * (cart2.motionZ - cart1.motionZ);
//        transX = limitForce(transX);
//        transZ = limitForce(transZ);
//        if(adj1) {
//            cart1.motionX += transX;
//            cart1.motionZ += transZ;
//        }
//        if(adj2) {
//            cart2.motionX -= transX;
//            cart2.motionZ -= transZ;
//        }

        // Spring force

        float optDist = getOptimalDistance(cart1, cart2);
        double stretch = dist - optDist;
//        if(Math.abs(stretch) > 0.5) {
//            stretch *= 2;
//        }

        boolean highSpeed = cart1.getEntityData().getBoolean("HighSpeed");

        double stiffness = highSpeed ? HS_STIFFNESS : STIFFNESS;
        double springX = stiffness * stretch * unit.getX();
        double springZ = stiffness * stretch * unit.getY();

        springX = limitForce(springX);
        springZ = limitForce(springZ);

        if (adj1) {
            cart1.motionX += springX;
            cart1.motionZ += springZ;

        if (adj2) {
            cart2.motionX -= springX;
            cart2.motionZ -= springZ;

        // Damping

        Vec2D cart1Vel = new Vec2D(cart1.motionX, cart1.motionZ);
        Vec2D cart2Vel = new Vec2D(cart2.motionX, cart2.motionZ);

        double dot = Vec2D.subtract(cart2Vel, cart1Vel).dotProduct(unit);

        double damping = highSpeed ? HS_DAMPING : DAMPING;
        double dampX = damping * dot * unit.getX();
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Related Classes of mods.railcraft.common.util.misc.Vec2D

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