//====================================== Tag the Spot Requests ===============================//
// Create the list of tags we want to create
ArrayList<Tag> requestTags = new ArrayList<Tag>();
requestTags.add(new Tag("keyname1","value1"));
// Create a tag request for requests.
CreateTagsRequest createTagsRequest_requests = new CreateTagsRequest();
// Try to tag the Spot request submitted.
try {
} catch (AmazonServiceException e) {
// Write out any exceptions that may have occurred.
System.out.println("Error terminating instances");
System.out.println("Caught Exception: " + e.getMessage());
System.out.println("Reponse Status Code: " + e.getStatusCode());
System.out.println("Error Code: " + e.getErrorCode());
System.out.println("Request ID: " + e.getRequestId());
//=========================== Determining the State of the Spot Request ======================//
// Create a variable that will track whether there are any requests still in the open state.
boolean anyOpen;
// Initialize variables.
ArrayList<String> instanceIds = new ArrayList<String>();
do {
// Create the describeRequest with tall of the request id to monitor (e.g. that we started).
DescribeSpotInstanceRequestsRequest describeRequest = new DescribeSpotInstanceRequestsRequest();
// Initialize the anyOpen variable to false ??? which assumes there are no requests open unless
// we find one that is still open.
try {
// Retrieve all of the requests we want to monitor.
DescribeSpotInstanceRequestsResult describeResult = ec2.describeSpotInstanceRequests(describeRequest);
List<SpotInstanceRequest> describeResponses = describeResult.getSpotInstanceRequests();
// Look through each request and determine if they are all in the active state.
for (SpotInstanceRequest describeResponse : describeResponses) {
// If the state is open, it hasn't changed since we attempted to request it.
// There is the potential for it to transition almost immediately to closed or
// cancelled so we compare against open instead of active.
if (describeResponse.getState().equals("open")) {
anyOpen = true;
// Add the instance id to the list we will eventually terminate.
} catch (AmazonServiceException e) {
// If we have an exception, ensure we don't break out of the loop.
// This prevents the scenario where there was blip on the wire.
anyOpen = true;
try {
// Sleep for 60 seconds.
} catch (Exception e) {
// Do nothing because it woke up early.
} while (anyOpen);
//====================================== Tag the Spot Instances ===============================//
// Create the list of tags we want to create
ArrayList<Tag> instanceTags = new ArrayList<Tag>();
instanceTags.add(new Tag("keyname1","value1"));
// Create a tag request for instances.
CreateTagsRequest createTagsRequest_instances = new CreateTagsRequest();