} // if classcoupling
else if (coupling instanceof MultiCoupling) {
// get the next coupling
MultiCoupling currentCoupling = (MultiCoupling) coupling;
// this is an out coupling of the current childModel
// backup a reference to the port
IPort a = currentCoupling.getPort1();
// get the number of elements stored at this out port
int numberOfElements = a.getValuesCount();
// if there are any elements
if (numberOfElements > 0) {
// retrieve vector containing the selected targets of this
// classcoupling
List<IBasicDEVSModel> targets =
// create iterator for retrieved elements
// Iterator targetIterator = targets.iterator();
// System.out.println(currentCoupling.getTargetsAsArrayList().size());
for (int j = 0; j < targets.size(); j++) {
// retrieve current targetmodel
IBasicDEVSModel targetModel = targets.get(j);
// retrieve inputport for the given model
String portname =
IPort b = targetModel.getInPort(portname);
copyPortValues(a, b, numberOfElements);