
Examples of

        // if contents was null, must have been some kind of error;
        // nothing to contribute to PSVI
        if (contents == null) return null;
        // find the grammar; fSchemaHandler must be known!
        SchemaGrammar grammar = fSchemaHandler.getGrammar(schemaDoc.fTargetNamespace);
        // fish out local attributes passed from parent
        Vector annotationLocalAttrs = (Vector)parentAttrs[XSAttributeChecker.ATTIDX_NONSCHEMA];
        // optimize for case where there are no local attributes
        if(annotationLocalAttrs != null && !annotationLocalAttrs.isEmpty()) {
            StringBuffer localStrBuffer = new StringBuffer(64);
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            Object[] parentAttrs, boolean isGlobal, XSDocumentInfo schemaDoc) {
        String contents = initialContent;
        // find the grammar; fSchemaHandler must be known!
        SchemaGrammar grammar = fSchemaHandler.getGrammar(schemaDoc.fTargetNamespace);
        // fish out local attributes passed from parent
        Vector annotationLocalAttrs = (Vector)parentAttrs[XSAttributeChecker.ATTIDX_NONSCHEMA];
        // optimize for case where there are no local attributes
        if (annotationLocalAttrs != null && !annotationLocalAttrs.isEmpty()) {
            StringBuffer localStrBuffer = new StringBuffer(64);
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            // get name, uri, localpart
            String attrRName = (String) entry.getKey();
            String attrURI = attrRName.substring(0,attrRName.indexOf(','));
            String attrLocal = attrRName.substring(attrRName.indexOf(',')+1);
            // find associated grammar
            SchemaGrammar sGrammar = grammarBucket.getGrammar(attrURI);
            if (sGrammar == null) {
            // and get the datatype validator, if there is one
            attrDecl = sGrammar.getGlobalAttributeDecl(attrLocal);
            if (attrDecl == null) {
            XSSimpleType dv = (XSSimpleType)attrDecl.getTypeDefinition();
            if (dv == null) {
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    public SchemaGrammar parseSchema(XMLInputSource is, XSDDescription desc,
            Hashtable locationPairs)
    throws IOException {
        fLocationPairs = locationPairs;
        SchemaGrammar grammar = null;
        String schemaNamespace  = null;
        short referType = desc.getContextType();

        // if loading using JAXP schemaSource property, or using grammar caching loadGrammar
        // the desc.targetNamespace is always null.
        // Therefore we should not attempt to find out if
        // the schema is already in the bucket, since in the case we have
        // no namespace schema in the bucket, findGrammar will always return the
        // no namespace schema.
        if (referType != XSDDescription.CONTEXT_PREPARSE){
            // first try to find it in the bucket/pool, return if one is found
            if (fHonourAllSchemaLocations && referType == XSDDescription.CONTEXT_IMPORT && isExistingGrammar(desc, fNamespaceGrowth)) {
                grammar = fGrammarBucket.getGrammar(desc.getTargetNamespace());
            else {
                grammar = findGrammar(desc, fNamespaceGrowth);
            if (grammar != null) {
                if (!fNamespaceGrowth) {
                    return grammar;
                else {
                    try {
                        if (grammar.getDocumentLocations().contains(XMLEntityManager.expandSystemId(is.getSystemId(), is.getBaseSystemId(), false))) {
                            return grammar;
                    catch (MalformedURIException e) {
                        //REVISIT: return the grammar?

            schemaNamespace = desc.getTargetNamespace();
            // handle empty string URI as null
            if (schemaNamespace != null) {
                schemaNamespace = fSymbolTable.addSymbol(schemaNamespace);
        // before parsing a schema, need to clear registries associated with
        // parsing schemas
        Element schemaRoot = null;
        // first phase:  construct trees.
        if (is instanceof DOMInputSource) {
            schemaRoot = getSchemaDocument(schemaNamespace, (DOMInputSource) is,
                    referType == XSDDescription.CONTEXT_PREPARSE,
                    referType, null);
        } // DOMInputSource
        else if (is instanceof SAXInputSource) {
          schemaRoot = getSchemaDocument(schemaNamespace, (SAXInputSource) is,
                    referType == XSDDescription.CONTEXT_PREPARSE,
                    referType, null);    
        } // SAXInputSource
        else if (is instanceof StAXInputSource) {
            schemaRoot = getSchemaDocument(schemaNamespace, (StAXInputSource) is,
                    referType == XSDDescription.CONTEXT_PREPARSE,
                    referType, null);
        } // StAXInputSource
        else if (is instanceof XSInputSource) {
            schemaRoot = getSchemaDocument((XSInputSource) is, desc);
        } // XSInputSource
        else {
          schemaRoot = getSchemaDocument(schemaNamespace, is,
                  referType == XSDDescription.CONTEXT_PREPARSE,
                  referType, null);
        } //is instanceof XMLInputSource

        if (schemaRoot == null) {
            // something went wrong right off the hop
            if (is instanceof XSInputSource) {
                return fGrammarBucket.getGrammar(desc.getTargetNamespace());
            return grammar;

        if (referType == XSDDescription.CONTEXT_PREPARSE) {
          Element schemaElem = schemaRoot;
            schemaNamespace = DOMUtil.getAttrValue(schemaElem, SchemaSymbols.ATT_TARGETNAMESPACE);
            if(schemaNamespace != null && schemaNamespace.length() > 0) {
                // Since now we've discovered a namespace, we need to update xsd key
                // and store this schema in traversed schemas bucket
                schemaNamespace = fSymbolTable.addSymbol(schemaNamespace);
            else {
                schemaNamespace = null;
            grammar = findGrammar(desc, fNamespaceGrowth);
            String schemaId = XMLEntityManager.expandSystemId(is.getSystemId(), is.getBaseSystemId(), false);
            if (grammar != null) {
                // When namespace growth is enabled and a null location is provided we cannot tell
                // whether we've loaded this schema document before so we must assume that we haven't.
                if (!fNamespaceGrowth || (schemaId != null && grammar.getDocumentLocations().contains(schemaId))) {
                    return grammar;

            XSDKey key = new XSDKey(schemaId, referType, schemaNamespace);
            fTraversed.put(key, schemaRoot);
            if (schemaId != null) {
              fDoc2SystemId.put(schemaRoot, schemaId);

        // before constructing trees and traversing a schema, need to reset
        // all traversers and clear all registries
        fRoot = constructTrees(schemaRoot, is.getSystemId(), desc, grammar != null);
        if (fRoot == null) {
            return null;
        // second phase:  fill global registries.
        // third phase:  call traversers
        ArrayList annotationInfo = fValidateAnnotations ? new ArrayList() : null;
        // fourth phase: handle local element decls
        // fifth phase:  handle Keyrefs
        // sixth phase:  validate attribute of non-schema namespaces
        // REVISIT: skip this for now. we really don't want to do it.
        // seventh phase:  store imported grammars
        // for all grammars with <import>s
        for (int i = fAllTNSs.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            // get its target namespace
            String tns = (String)fAllTNSs.elementAt(i);
            // get all namespaces it imports
            Vector ins = (Vector)fImportMap.get(tns);
            // get the grammar
            SchemaGrammar sg = fGrammarBucket.getGrammar(emptyString2Null(tns));
            if (sg == null)
            SchemaGrammar isg;
            // for imported namespace
            int count = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < ins.size(); j++) {
                // get imported grammar
                isg = fGrammarBucket.getGrammar((String)ins.elementAt(j));
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     * First try to find a grammar in the bucket, if failed, consult the
     * grammar pool. If a grammar is found in the pool, then add it (and all
     * imported ones) into the bucket.
    protected SchemaGrammar findGrammar(XSDDescription desc, boolean ignoreConflict) {
        SchemaGrammar sg = fGrammarBucket.getGrammar(desc.getTargetNamespace());
        if (sg == null) {
            if (fGrammarPool != null) {
                sg = (SchemaGrammar)fGrammarPool.retrieveGrammar(desc);
                if (sg != null) {
                    // put this grammar into the bucket, along with grammars
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        // are valid
        // a schema document can always access it's own target namespace
        SchemaGrammar sg = null;

        // we have a namespace collision
        if (nsCollision) {
            SchemaGrammar sg2 = fGrammarBucket.getGrammar(currSchemaInfo.fTargetNamespace);
            if (sg2.isImmutable()) {
                sg = new SchemaGrammar(sg2);
                // update all the grammars in the bucket to point to the new grammar.
            else {
                sg = sg2;

            // update import list of the new grammar
        else if (referType == XSDDescription.CONTEXT_INCLUDE ||
                referType == XSDDescription.CONTEXT_REDEFINE) {
            sg = fGrammarBucket.getGrammar(currSchemaInfo.fTargetNamespace);
        else if(fHonourAllSchemaLocations && referType == XSDDescription.CONTEXT_IMPORT) {
            sg = findGrammar(desc, false);
            if(sg == null) {
                sg = new SchemaGrammar(currSchemaInfo.fTargetNamespace, desc.makeClone(), fSymbolTable);
        else {
            sg = new SchemaGrammar(currSchemaInfo.fTargetNamespace, desc.makeClone(), fSymbolTable);

        // store the document and its location
        // REVISIT: don't expose the DOM tree
        sg.addDocument(null, (String)fDoc2SystemId.get(currSchemaInfo.fSchemaElement));
        fDoc2XSDocumentMap.put(schemaRoot, currSchemaInfo);
        Vector dependencies = new Vector();
        Element rootNode = schemaRoot;
        Element newSchemaRoot = null;
        for (Element child = DOMUtil.getFirstChildElement(rootNode);
        child != null;
        child = DOMUtil.getNextSiblingElement(child)) {
            String schemaNamespace=null;
            String schemaHint=null;
            String localName = DOMUtil.getLocalName(child);
            short refType = -1;
            boolean importCollision = false;
            if (localName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANNOTATION))
            else if (localName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_IMPORT)) {
                refType = XSDDescription.CONTEXT_IMPORT;
                // have to handle some validation here too!
                // call XSAttributeChecker to fill in attrs
                Object[] importAttrs = fAttributeChecker.checkAttributes(child, true, currSchemaInfo);
                schemaHint = (String)importAttrs[XSAttributeChecker.ATTIDX_SCHEMALOCATION];
                schemaNamespace = (String)importAttrs[XSAttributeChecker.ATTIDX_NAMESPACE];
                if (schemaNamespace != null)
                    schemaNamespace = fSymbolTable.addSymbol(schemaNamespace);
                // check contents and process optional annotations
                Element importChild = DOMUtil.getFirstChildElement(child);
                if(importChild != null ) {
                    String importComponentType = DOMUtil.getLocalName(importChild);
                    if (importComponentType.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANNOTATION)) {
                        // promoting annotations to parent component
                                fElementTraverser.traverseAnnotationDecl(importChild, importAttrs, true, currSchemaInfo));
                    } else {
                        reportSchemaError("s4s-elt-must-match.1", new Object [] {localName, "annotation?", importComponentType}, child);
                    if(DOMUtil.getNextSiblingElement(importChild) != null) {
                        reportSchemaError("s4s-elt-must-match.1", new Object [] {localName, "annotation?", DOMUtil.getLocalName(DOMUtil.getNextSiblingElement(importChild))}, child);
                else {
                    String text = DOMUtil.getSyntheticAnnotation(child);
                    if (text != null) {
                        sg.addAnnotation(fElementTraverser.traverseSyntheticAnnotation(child, text, importAttrs, true, currSchemaInfo));
                fAttributeChecker.returnAttrArray(importAttrs, currSchemaInfo);
                // a document can't import another document with the same namespace
                if (schemaNamespace == currSchemaInfo.fTargetNamespace) {
                    reportSchemaError(schemaNamespace != null ?
                            "src-import.1.1" : "src-import.1.2", new Object [] {schemaNamespace}, child);

                // if this namespace has not been imported by this document,
                //  then import if multiple imports support is enabled.
                if(currSchemaInfo.isAllowedNS(schemaNamespace)) {
                    if(!fHonourAllSchemaLocations && !fNamespaceGrowth)
                else  {
                // also record the fact that one namespace imports another one
                // convert null to ""
                String tns = null2EmptyString(currSchemaInfo.fTargetNamespace);
                // get all namespaces imported by this one
                Vector ins = (Vector)fImportMap.get(tns);
                // if no namespace was imported, create new Vector
                if (ins == null) {
                    // record that this one imports other(s)
                    ins = new Vector();
                    fImportMap.put(tns, ins);
                else if (!ins.contains(schemaNamespace)){

                fSchemaGrammarDescription.setLocationHints(new String[]{schemaHint});
                // if a grammar with the same namespace and location exists (or being
                // built), ignore this one (don't traverse it).
                SchemaGrammar isg = findGrammar(fSchemaGrammarDescription, fNamespaceGrowth);
                if (isg != null) {
                    if (fNamespaceGrowth) {
                        try {
                            if (isg.getDocumentLocations().contains(XMLEntityManager.expandSystemId(schemaHint, fSchemaGrammarDescription.getBaseSystemId(), false))) {
                            else {
                                importCollision = true;
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        fDependencyMap.put(currSchemaInfo, dependencies);
        return currSchemaInfo;
    } // end constructTrees
    private boolean isExistingGrammar(XSDDescription desc, boolean ignoreConflict) {
        SchemaGrammar sg = fGrammarBucket.getGrammar(desc.getTargetNamespace());
        if (sg == null) {
            return findGrammar(desc, ignoreConflict) != null;
        else if (sg.isImmutable()) {
            return true;
        else {
            try {
                return sg.getDocumentLocations().contains(XMLEntityManager.expandSystemId(desc.getLiteralSystemId(), desc.getBaseSystemId(), false));
            catch (MalformedURIException e) {
                return false;
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    private void updateImportListFor(SchemaGrammar grammar) {
        Vector importedGrammars = grammar.getImportedGrammars();
        if (importedGrammars != null) {
            for (int i=0; i<importedGrammars.size(); i++) {
                SchemaGrammar isg1 = (SchemaGrammar) importedGrammars.elementAt(i);
                SchemaGrammar isg2 = fGrammarBucket.getGrammar(isg1.getTargetNamespace());
                if (isg2 != null && isg1 != isg2) {
                    importedGrammars.set(i, isg2);
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     * the new one
    private void updateImportListWith(SchemaGrammar newGrammar) {
        SchemaGrammar[] schemaGrammars = fGrammarBucket.getGrammars();
        for (int i = 0; i < schemaGrammars.length; ++i) {
            SchemaGrammar sg = schemaGrammars[i];
            if (sg != newGrammar) {
                Vector importedGrammars = sg.getImportedGrammars();
                if (importedGrammars != null) {
                    for (int j=0; j<importedGrammars.size(); j++) {
                        SchemaGrammar isg = (SchemaGrammar) importedGrammars.elementAt(j);
                        if (null2EmptyString(isg.getTargetNamespace()).equals(null2EmptyString(newGrammar.getTargetNamespace()))) {
                            if (isg != newGrammar) {
                                importedGrammars.set(j, newGrammar);
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        while (!schemasToProcess.empty()) {
            XSDocumentInfo currSchemaDoc =
            Element currDoc = currSchemaDoc.fSchemaElement;
            SchemaGrammar currSG = fGrammarBucket.getGrammar(currSchemaDoc.fTargetNamespace);

            if(DOMUtil.isHidden(currDoc, fHiddenNodes)) {
                // must have processed this already!
            Element currRoot = currDoc;
            boolean sawAnnotation = false;
            // traverse this schema's global decls
            for (Element globalComp =
                DOMUtil.getFirstVisibleChildElement(currRoot, fHiddenNodes);
            globalComp != null;
            globalComp = DOMUtil.getNextVisibleSiblingElement(globalComp, fHiddenNodes)) {
                DOMUtil.setHidden(globalComp, fHiddenNodes);
                String componentType = DOMUtil.getLocalName(globalComp);
                // includes and imports will not show up here!
                if (DOMUtil.getLocalName(globalComp).equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_REDEFINE)) {
                    // use the namespace decls for the redefine, instead of for the parent <schema>
                    for (Element redefinedComp = DOMUtil.getFirstVisibleChildElement(globalComp, fHiddenNodes);
                    redefinedComp != null;
                    redefinedComp = DOMUtil.getNextVisibleSiblingElement(redefinedComp, fHiddenNodes)) {
                        String redefinedComponentType = DOMUtil.getLocalName(redefinedComp);
                        DOMUtil.setHidden(redefinedComp, fHiddenNodes);
                        if (redefinedComponentType.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ATTRIBUTEGROUP)) {
                            fAttributeGroupTraverser.traverseGlobal(redefinedComp, currSchemaDoc, currSG);
                        else if (redefinedComponentType.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_COMPLEXTYPE)) {
                            fComplexTypeTraverser.traverseGlobal(redefinedComp, currSchemaDoc, currSG);
                        else if (redefinedComponentType.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_GROUP)) {
                            fGroupTraverser.traverseGlobal(redefinedComp, currSchemaDoc, currSG);
                        else if (redefinedComponentType.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_SIMPLETYPE)) {
                            fSimpleTypeTraverser.traverseGlobal(redefinedComp, currSchemaDoc, currSG);
                        // annotations will have been processed already; this is now
                        // unnecessary
                        //else if (redefinedComponentType.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANNOTATION)) {
                        //    fElementTraverser.traverseAnnotationDecl(redefinedComp, null, true, currSchemaDoc);
                        else {
                            reportSchemaError("s4s-elt-must-match.1", new Object [] {DOMUtil.getLocalName(globalComp), "(annotation | (simpleType | complexType | group | attributeGroup))*", redefinedComponentType}, redefinedComp);
                    } // end march through <redefine> children
                else if (componentType.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ATTRIBUTE)) {
                    fAttributeTraverser.traverseGlobal(globalComp, currSchemaDoc, currSG);
                else if (componentType.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ATTRIBUTEGROUP)) {
                    fAttributeGroupTraverser.traverseGlobal(globalComp, currSchemaDoc, currSG);
                else if (componentType.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_COMPLEXTYPE)) {
                    fComplexTypeTraverser.traverseGlobal(globalComp, currSchemaDoc, currSG);
                else if (componentType.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ELEMENT)) {
                    fElementTraverser.traverseGlobal(globalComp, currSchemaDoc, currSG);
                else if (componentType.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_GROUP)) {
                    fGroupTraverser.traverseGlobal(globalComp, currSchemaDoc, currSG);
                else if (componentType.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_NOTATION)) {
                    fNotationTraverser.traverse(globalComp, currSchemaDoc, currSG);
                else if (componentType.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_SIMPLETYPE)) {
                    fSimpleTypeTraverser.traverseGlobal(globalComp, currSchemaDoc, currSG);
                else if (componentType.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANNOTATION)) {
                    currSG.addAnnotation(fElementTraverser.traverseAnnotationDecl(globalComp, currSchemaDoc.getSchemaAttrs(), true, currSchemaDoc));
                    sawAnnotation = true;
                else {
                    reportSchemaError("s4s-elt-invalid-content.1", new Object [] {SchemaSymbols.ELT_SCHEMA, DOMUtil.getLocalName(globalComp)}, globalComp);
            } // end for
            if (!sawAnnotation) {
                String text = DOMUtil.getSyntheticAnnotation(currRoot);
                if (text != null) {
                    currSG.addAnnotation(fElementTraverser.traverseSyntheticAnnotation(currRoot, text, currSchemaDoc.getSchemaAttrs(), true, currSchemaDoc));
            /** Collect annotation information for validation. **/
            if (annotationInfo != null) {
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