
Examples of

            fDVs[fValidationDV].checkExtraRules(ob, context);

        } else if (fVariety == VARIETY_LIST) {

            ListDV.ListData values = (ListDV.ListData)ob;
            XSSimpleType memberType = validatedInfo.memberType;
            int len = values.getLength();
            try {
                if (fItemType.fVariety == VARIETY_UNION) {
                    XSSimpleTypeDecl[] memberTypes = (XSSimpleTypeDecl[])validatedInfo.memberTypes;
                    for (int i = len-1; i >= 0; i--) {
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            return null;
        public boolean isIdAttribute(int index) {
            XSSimpleType type = (XSSimpleType)getAttributeType(index);
            if (type == null) {
                return false;
            return type.isIDType();
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                annotation = traverseSyntheticAnnotation(attrDecl, text, attrValues, false, schemaDoc);
        // get 'type definition'
        XSSimpleType attrType = null;
        boolean haveAnonType = false;
        // Handle Anonymous type if there is one
        if (child != null) {
            String childName = DOMUtil.getLocalName(child);
            if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_SIMPLETYPE)) {
                attrType = fSchemaHandler.fSimpleTypeTraverser.traverseLocal(child, schemaDoc, grammar);
                haveAnonType = true;
                child = DOMUtil.getNextSiblingElement(child);
        // Handle type attribute
        if (attrType == null && typeAtt != null) {
            XSTypeDefinition type = (XSTypeDefinition)fSchemaHandler.getGlobalDecl(schemaDoc, XSDHandler.TYPEDECL_TYPE, typeAtt, attrDecl);
            if (type != null && type.getTypeCategory() == XSTypeDefinition.SIMPLE_TYPE) {
                attrType = (XSSimpleType)type;
            else {
                reportSchemaError("src-resolve", new Object[]{typeAtt.rawname, "simpleType definition"}, attrDecl);
                if (type == null) {
                  attribute.fUnresolvedTypeName = typeAtt;
        if (attrType == null) {
            attrType = SchemaGrammar.fAnySimpleType;
        XSObjectList annotations;
        if (annotation != null) {
            annotations = new XSObjectListImpl();
        } else {
            annotations = XSObjectListImpl.EMPTY_LIST;
        attribute.setValues(nameAtt, tnsAtt, attrType, constraintType, scope,
                attDefault, enclCT, annotations);

        // Step 3: check against schema for schemas
        // required attributes
        if (nameAtt == null) {
            if (isGlobal)
                reportSchemaError("s4s-att-must-appear", new Object[]{SchemaSymbols.ELT_ATTRIBUTE, SchemaSymbols.ATT_NAME}, attrDecl);
                reportSchemaError("src-attribute.3.1", null, attrDecl);
            nameAtt = NO_NAME;
        // element
        if (child != null) {
            reportSchemaError("s4s-elt-must-match.1", new Object[]{nameAtt, "(annotation?, (simpleType?))", DOMUtil.getLocalName(child)}, child);
        // Step 4: check 3.2.3 constraints
        // src-attribute
        // 1 default and fixed must not both be present.
        if (defaultAtt != null && fixedAtt != null) {
            reportSchemaError("src-attribute.1", new Object[]{nameAtt}, attrDecl);
        // 2 If default and use are both present, use must have the actual value optional.
        // This is checked in "traverse" method
        // 3 If the item's parent is not <schema>, then all of the following must be true:
        // 3.1 One of ref or name must be present, but not both.
        // This is checked in XSAttributeChecker
        // 3.2 If ref is present, then all of <simpleType>, form and type must be absent.
        // Attributes are checked in XSAttributeChecker, elements are checked in "traverse" method
        // 4 type and <simpleType> must not both be present.
        if (haveAnonType && (typeAtt != null)) {
            reportSchemaError( "src-attribute.4", new Object[]{nameAtt}, attrDecl);
        // Step 5: check 3.2.6 constraints
        // check for NOTATION type
        checkNotationType(nameAtt, attrType, attrDecl);
        // a-props-correct
        // 2 if there is a {value constraint}, the canonical lexical representation of its value must be valid with respect to the {type definition} as defined in String Valid (3.14.4).
        if (attDefault != null) {
            try {
            catch (InvalidDatatypeValueException ide) {
                reportSchemaError (ide.getKey(), ide.getArgs(), attrDecl);
                reportSchemaError ("a-props-correct.2", new Object[]{nameAtt, attDefault.normalizedValue}, attrDecl);
                // Recover by removing the default value
                attDefault = null;
                constraintType = XSConstants.VC_NONE;
                attribute.setValues(nameAtt, tnsAtt, attrType, constraintType, scope,
                        attDefault, enclCT, annotations);
        // 3 If the {type definition} is or is derived from ID then there must not be a {value constraint}.
        if (attDefault != null) {
            if (attrType.isIDType() ) {
                reportSchemaError ("a-props-correct.3", new Object[]{nameAtt}, attrDecl);
                // Recover by removing the default value
                attDefault = null;
                constraintType = XSConstants.VC_NONE;
                attribute.setValues(nameAtt, tnsAtt, attrType, constraintType, scope,
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            throw new ComplexTypeRecoverableError();
        fBaseType = type;
        XSSimpleType baseValidator = null;
        XSComplexTypeDecl baseComplexType = null;
        int baseFinalSet = 0;
        // If the base type is complex, it must have simpleContent
        if ((type.getTypeCategory() == XSTypeDefinition.COMPLEX_TYPE)) {
            baseComplexType = (XSComplexTypeDecl)type;
            baseFinalSet = baseComplexType.getFinal();
            // base is a CT with simple content (both restriction and extension are OK)
            if (baseComplexType.getContentType() == XSComplexTypeDecl.CONTENTTYPE_SIMPLE) {
                baseValidator = (XSSimpleType)baseComplexType.getSimpleType();
            // base is a CT with mixed/emptiable content (only restriction is OK)
            else if (fDerivedBy == XSConstants.DERIVATION_RESTRICTION &&
                    baseComplexType.getContentType() == XSComplexTypeDecl.CONTENTTYPE_MIXED &&
                    ((XSParticleDecl)baseComplexType.getParticle()).emptiable()) {
            else {
                fAttrChecker.returnAttrArray(simpleContentAttrValues, schemaDoc);
                fAttrChecker.returnAttrArray(derivationTypeAttrValues, schemaDoc);
                throw new ComplexTypeRecoverableError("src-ct.2.1",
                        new Object[]{fName, baseComplexType.getName()}, simpleContent);
        else {
            baseValidator = (XSSimpleType)type;
            // base is a ST (only extension is OK)
            if (fDerivedBy == XSConstants.DERIVATION_RESTRICTION) {
                fAttrChecker.returnAttrArray(simpleContentAttrValues, schemaDoc);
                fAttrChecker.returnAttrArray(derivationTypeAttrValues, schemaDoc);
                throw new ComplexTypeRecoverableError("src-ct.2.1",
                        new Object[]{fName, baseValidator.getName()}, simpleContent);
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check that the base permits the derivation
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
        if ((baseFinalSet & fDerivedBy)!=0) {
            fAttrChecker.returnAttrArray(simpleContentAttrValues, schemaDoc);
            fAttrChecker.returnAttrArray(derivationTypeAttrValues, schemaDoc);
            String errorKey = (fDerivedBy==XSConstants.DERIVATION_EXTENSION) ?
                    "cos-ct-extends.1.1" : "derivation-ok-restriction.1";
            throw new ComplexTypeRecoverableError(errorKey,
                    new Object[]{fName, fBaseType.getName()}, simpleContent);
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Skip over any potential annotations
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
        Element scElement = simpleContent;
        simpleContent = DOMUtil.getFirstChildElement(simpleContent);
        if (simpleContent != null) {
            // traverse annotation if any
            if (DOMUtil.getLocalName(simpleContent).equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANNOTATION)) {
                addAnnotation(traverseAnnotationDecl(simpleContent, derivationTypeAttrValues, false, schemaDoc));
                simpleContent = DOMUtil.getNextSiblingElement(simpleContent);
            else {
                String text = DOMUtil.getSyntheticAnnotation(scElement);
                if (text != null) {
                    addAnnotation(traverseSyntheticAnnotation(scElement, text, derivationTypeAttrValues, false, schemaDoc));
            if (simpleContent !=null &&
                fAttrChecker.returnAttrArray(simpleContentAttrValues, schemaDoc);
                fAttrChecker.returnAttrArray(derivationTypeAttrValues, schemaDoc);
                throw new ComplexTypeRecoverableError("s4s-elt-invalid-content.1",
                        new Object[]{fName,SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANNOTATION},
        else {
            String text = DOMUtil.getSyntheticAnnotation(scElement);
            if (text != null) {
                addAnnotation(traverseSyntheticAnnotation(scElement, text, derivationTypeAttrValues, false, schemaDoc));
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Process a RESTRICTION
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (fDerivedBy == XSConstants.DERIVATION_RESTRICTION) {
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
            // There may be a simple type definition in the restriction element
            // The data type validator will be based on it, if specified
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
            if (simpleContent !=null &&
                    DOMUtil.getLocalName(simpleContent).equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_SIMPLETYPE )) {
                XSSimpleType dv = fSchemaHandler.fSimpleTypeTraverser.traverseLocal(
                        simpleContent, schemaDoc, grammar);
                if (dv == null) {
                    fAttrChecker.returnAttrArray(simpleContentAttrValues, schemaDoc);
                    fAttrChecker.returnAttrArray(derivationTypeAttrValues, schemaDoc);
                    throw new ComplexTypeRecoverableError();
                //check that this datatype validator is validly derived from the base
                //according to derivation-ok-restriction
                if (baseValidator != null &&
                        !XSConstraints.checkSimpleDerivationOk(dv, baseValidator,
                                baseValidator.getFinal())) {
                    fAttrChecker.returnAttrArray(simpleContentAttrValues, schemaDoc);
                    fAttrChecker.returnAttrArray(derivationTypeAttrValues, schemaDoc);
                    throw new ComplexTypeRecoverableError("derivation-ok-restriction.",
                            new Object[]{fName, dv.getName(), baseValidator.getName()},
                baseValidator = dv;
                simpleContent = DOMUtil.getNextSiblingElement(simpleContent);
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                // xpath values are validated in xpath parser
                if (oneAttr.dvIndex >= 0) {
                    if (oneAttr.dvIndex != DT_STRING &&
                        oneAttr.dvIndex != DT_XPATH &&
                        oneAttr.dvIndex != DT_XPATH1) {
                        XSSimpleType dv = fExtraDVs[oneAttr.dvIndex];
                        Object avalue = dv.validate(attrVal, schemaDoc.fValidationContext, null);
                        // kludge to handle chameleon includes/redefines...
                        if (oneAttr.dvIndex == DT_QNAME) {
                            QName qname = (QName)avalue;
                            if(qname.prefix == XMLSymbols.EMPTY_STRING && qname.uri == null && schemaDoc.fIsChameleonSchema)
                                qname.uri = schemaDoc.fTargetNamespace;
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            // and get the datatype validator, if there is one
            attrDecl = sGrammar.getGlobalAttributeDecl(attrLocal);
            if (attrDecl == null) {
            XSSimpleType dv = (XSSimpleType)attrDecl.getTypeDefinition();
            if (dv == null) {

            // get all values appeared with this attribute name
            Vector values = (Vector) entry.getValue();
            String elName;
            String attrName = (String)values.elementAt(0);
            // for each of the values
            int count = values.size();
            for (int i = 1; i < count; i += 2) {
                elName = (String)values.elementAt(i);
                try {
                    // and validate it using the XSSimpleType
                    // REVISIT: what would be the proper validation context?
                    //          guess we need to save that in the vectors too.
                    dv.validate((String)values.elementAt(i+1), null, null);
                } catch(InvalidDatatypeValueException ide) {
                    reportSchemaError ("s4s-att-invalid-value",
                                       new Object[] {elName, attrName, ide.getMessage()},
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        Object[] attrValues = fAttrChecker.checkAttributes(elmNode, true, schemaDoc);
        String nameAtt = (String)attrValues[XSAttributeChecker.ATTIDX_NAME];
        if (nameAtt == null) {
            attrValues[XSAttributeChecker.ATTIDX_NAME] = NO_NAME;
        XSSimpleType type = traverseSimpleTypeDecl(elmNode, attrValues, schemaDoc, grammar);
        fAttrChecker.returnAttrArray(attrValues, schemaDoc);
        // if it's a global type without a name, return null
        if (nameAtt == null) {
            reportSchemaError("s4s-att-must-appear", new Object[]{SchemaSymbols.ELT_SIMPLETYPE, SchemaSymbols.ATT_NAME}, elmNode);
            type = null;
        // don't add global components without name to the grammar
        if (type != null) {
            if (grammar.getGlobalTypeDecl(type.getName()) == null) {

            // also add it to extended map
            final String loc = fSchemaHandler.schemaDocument2SystemId(schemaDoc);
            final XSTypeDefinition type2 = grammar.getGlobalTypeDecl(type.getName(), loc)
            if (type2 == null) {
                grammar.addGlobalSimpleTypeDecl(type, loc);

            // handle duplicates
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            SchemaGrammar grammar) {
        // General Attribute Checking
        Object[] attrValues = fAttrChecker.checkAttributes(elmNode, false, schemaDoc);
        String name = genAnonTypeName(elmNode);
        XSSimpleType type = getSimpleType (name, elmNode, attrValues, schemaDoc, grammar);
        if (type instanceof XSSimpleTypeDecl) {
        fAttrChecker.returnAttrArray(attrValues, schemaDoc);
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                    annotations[1] = annotation;
        // get base type from "base" attribute
        XSSimpleType baseValidator = null;
        if ((restriction || list) && baseTypeName != null) {
            baseValidator = findDTValidator(child, name, baseTypeName, refType, schemaDoc);
            // if its the built-in type, return null from here
            if (baseValidator == null && fIsBuiltIn) {
                fIsBuiltIn = false;
                return null;
        // get types from "memberTypes" attribute
        ArrayList dTValidators = null;
        XSSimpleType dv = null;
        XSObjectList dvs;
        if (union && memberTypes != null && memberTypes.size() > 0) {
            int size = memberTypes.size();
            dTValidators = new ArrayList(size);
            // for each qname in the list
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                // get the type decl
                dv = findDTValidator(child, name, (QName)memberTypes.elementAt(i),
                        XSConstants.DERIVATION_UNION, schemaDoc);
                if (dv != null) {
                    // if it's a union, expand it
                    if (dv.getVariety() == XSSimpleType.VARIETY_UNION) {
                        dvs = dv.getMemberTypes();
                        for (int j = 0; j < dvs.getLength(); j++)
                    } else {

        // check if there is a child "simpleType"
        if (content != null && DOMUtil.getLocalName(content).equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_SIMPLETYPE)) {
            if (restriction || list) {
                // it's an error for both "base" and "simpleType" to appear
                if (baseTypeName != null) {
                    reportSchemaError(list ? "src-simple-type.3.a" : "src-simple-type.2.a", null, content);
                if (baseValidator == null) {
                    // traverse this child to get the base type
                    baseValidator = traverseLocal(content, schemaDoc, grammar);
                // get the next element
                content = DOMUtil.getNextSiblingElement(content);
            else if (union) {
                if (dTValidators == null) {
                    dTValidators = new ArrayList(2);
                do {
                    // traverse this child to get the member type
                    dv = traverseLocal(content, schemaDoc, grammar);
                    if (dv != null) {
                        // if it's a union, expand it
                        if (dv.getVariety() == XSSimpleType.VARIETY_UNION) {
                            dvs = dv.getMemberTypes();
                            for (int j = 0; j < dvs.getLength(); j++) {
                        else {
                    // get the next element
                    content = DOMUtil.getNextSiblingElement(content);
                } while (content != null && DOMUtil.getLocalName(content).equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_SIMPLETYPE));
        else if ((restriction || list) && baseTypeName == null) {
            // it's an error if neither "base/itemType" nor "simpleType" appears
            reportSchemaError(list ? "src-simple-type.3.b" : "src-simple-type.2.b", null, child);
        else if (union && (memberTypes == null || memberTypes.size() == 0)) {
            // it's an error if "memberTypes" is empty and no "simpleType" appears
            reportSchemaError("src-union-memberTypes-or-simpleTypes", null, child);
        // error finding "base" or error traversing "simpleType".
        // don't need to report an error, since some error has been reported.
        if ((restriction || list) && baseValidator == null) {
            fAttrChecker.returnAttrArray(contentAttrs, schemaDoc);
            return errorType(name, schemaDoc.fTargetNamespace,
                    restriction ? XSConstants.DERIVATION_RESTRICTION : XSConstants.DERIVATION_LIST);
        // error finding "memberTypes" or error traversing "simpleType".
        // don't need to report an error, since some error has been reported.
        if (union && (dTValidators == null || dTValidators.size() == 0)) {
            fAttrChecker.returnAttrArray(contentAttrs, schemaDoc);
            return errorType(name, schemaDoc.fTargetNamespace,
        // item type of list types can't have list content
        if (list && isListDatatype(baseValidator)) {
            reportSchemaError("cos-st-restricts.2.1", new Object[]{name, baseValidator.getName()}, child);
            fAttrChecker.returnAttrArray(contentAttrs, schemaDoc);
            return errorType(name, schemaDoc.fTargetNamespace,
        // create the simple type based on the "base" type
        XSSimpleType newDecl = null;
        if (restriction) {
            newDecl = fSchemaHandler.fDVFactory.createTypeRestriction(name, schemaDoc.fTargetNamespace, (short)finalProperty, baseValidator,
                    annotations == null? null : new XSObjectListImpl(annotations, annotations.length));
        else if (list) {
            newDecl = fSchemaHandler.fDVFactory.createTypeList(name, schemaDoc.fTargetNamespace, (short)finalProperty, baseValidator,
                    annotations == null? null : new XSObjectListImpl(annotations, annotations.length));
        else if (union) {
            XSSimpleType[] memberDecls = (XSSimpleType[]) dTValidators.toArray(new XSSimpleType[dTValidators.size()]);
            newDecl = fSchemaHandler.fDVFactory.createTypeUnion(name, schemaDoc.fTargetNamespace, (short)finalProperty, memberDecls,
                    annotations == null? null : new XSObjectListImpl(annotations, annotations.length));
        // now traverse facets, if it's derived by restriction
        if (restriction && content != null) {
            FacetInfo fi = traverseFacets(content, baseValidator, schemaDoc);
            content = fi.nodeAfterFacets;
            try {
                newDecl.applyFacets(fi.facetdata, fi.fPresentFacets, fi.fFixedFacets, fValidationState);
            } catch (InvalidDatatypeFacetException ex) {
                reportSchemaError(ex.getKey(), ex.getArgs(), child);
                // Recreate the type, ignoring the facets
                newDecl = fSchemaHandler.fDVFactory.createTypeRestriction(name, schemaDoc.fTargetNamespace, (short)finalProperty, baseValidator,
                        annotations == null? null : new XSObjectListImpl(annotations, annotations.length));
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        return false;
    private XSSimpleType errorType(String name, String namespace, short refType) {
        XSSimpleType stringType = (XSSimpleType)SchemaGrammar.SG_SchemaNS.getTypeDefinition("string");
        switch (refType) {
        case XSConstants.DERIVATION_RESTRICTION:
            return fSchemaHandler.fDVFactory.createTypeRestriction(name, namespace, (short)0,
                    stringType, null);
        case XSConstants.DERIVATION_LIST:
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