3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#QName">XML Schema Part2: Datatypes specification,
Namespaces in XML,
Namespaces in XML Errata.
The value of a QName
contains a Namespace URI, local part and prefix.
The prefix is included in QName
to retain lexical information when present in an {@link javax.xml.transform.Source XML input source}. The prefix is NOT used in {@link #equals(Object) QName.equals(Object)} or to compute the {@link #hashCode() QName.hashCode()}. Equality and the hash code are defined using only the Namespace URI and local part.
If not specified, the Namespace URI is set to {@link javax.xml.XMLConstants#NULL_NS_URI XMLConstants.NULL_NS_URI}. If not specified, the prefix is set to {@link javax.xml.XMLConstants#DEFAULT_NS_PREFIX XMLConstants.DEFAULT_NS_PREFIX}.
is immutable.
Jeff Suttor
@version $Revision: 1.9 $, $Date: 2010-11-01 04:36:08 $
XML Schema Part2: Datatypes specification
Namespaces in XML
Namespaces in XML Errata
@since 1.5