if (me.isPopupTrigger()) {
mouseAction(getCoordsAt(point), BOARD_HEX_POPUP, me.getModifiers());
for (int i = 0; i < displayables.size(); i++) {
IDisplayable disp = displayables.get(i);
double width = Math.min(boardSize.getWidth(), scrollpane.getViewport().getSize().getWidth());
double height = Math.min(boardSize.getHeight(), scrollpane.getViewport().getSize().getHeight());
Dimension dispDimension = new Dimension();
dispDimension.setSize(width, height);
// we need to adjust the point, because it should be against the displayable dimension
Point dispPoint = new Point();
dispPoint.setLocation(point.x + getBounds().x, point.y + getBounds().y);
if (disp.isHit(dispPoint, dispDimension)) {
// Disable scrolling when ctrl or alt is held down, since this