this.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(10, 3)));
public void addProjections(boolean distinct) {
final RetrieveDataWithProjectionAndSolutionModifier operator = (RetrieveDataWithProjectionAndSolutionModifier) this.operator;
JPanel projectionPanel = this.getRowPanel(); // get panel for row
if(distinct == true) {
// add ComboBox to panel row...
projectionPanel.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(10, 3))); // spacer
// determine initial state of projection CheckBox...
boolean projection = operator.getProjectionElements().size() > 0;
// create projection CheckBox...
final JCheckBoxOwnIcon projCB = new JCheckBoxOwnIcon("Projection", projection, this.parent.getFONT());
elementStatus.put("projection", projection);
projectionPanel.add(projCB); // add projection CheckBox to row panel
final JPanel projElementsPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
// walk through projection elements of the SELECT-Operator...
for(int i = 0; i < operator.getProjectionElements().size(); ++i) {
// get current projection element...
String projString = operator.getProjectionElements().get(i);
// create new projection element panel for the current projection
// element and set the initial state...
JPanel projectionElement = this.createProjectionElement(operator, projection, i, projString);
// add projection element panel to the right panel...
projectionPanel.add(projElementsPanel); // add panel for projection
// elements to row panel
final LinkedList<JComponent> needsEnableList = new LinkedList<JComponent>();
if(operator.getProjectionElements().size() == 0) {
// create new projection element panel...
JPanel projectionElement = createProjectionElement(operator, true, operator.getProjectionElements().size(), "");
projElementsPanel.add(projectionElement); // add projection element
// panel to the right
// panel
// create add button...
final JLabel addLabel = new JLabel(this.parent.addIcon);
addLabel.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
public void mouseClicked(final MouseEvent me) {
// create new projection element panel...
JPanel projectionElement = createProjectionElement(operator, true, operator.getProjectionElements().size(), "");
// add projection element panel to the right panel...
updateSize(); // update the width of the SelectPanel
projectionPanel.add(addLabel); // add add-button to row panel
// define listener for projection CheckBox...
projCB.addItemListener(new ItemListener() {
public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent ie) {
// get new state...
boolean selected = (ie.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED);
elementStatus.put("projection", selected);
// walk through projection TextFields...
for(JTextField jtf : projElementsList) {
jtf.setEnabled(selected); // set new state to current
// TextField
if(selected) { // if state is selected and field is not
// empty...
try {
if(!jtf.getText().equals("")) {
// add current element to projection list of SelectOP...
catch(ModificationException me) {
final int n = AbstractGuiComponent.showCorrectIgnoreOptionDialog(parent, me.getMessage());
if(n == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {
(new FocusThread(jtf)).start();
// walk through Delete-Labels...
for(JLabel delLabel : projElementsDelLabelsList) {
delLabel.setEnabled(selected); // set new state of current
// Delete-Label
if(!selected) { // if state is not selected...
operator.clearProjectionList(); // clear projection list of
// SelectOP
else {
// if state is selected...