public MessageAssociator(Config conf, Server server) throws BridgeException {
String pfx = "option.msgid.";
maxCacheSize = conf.getInt(pfx + "cacheSize", 5000);
decayInterval = conf.getInt(pfx + "decayInterval", 18000000); /* 5h */
if (maxCacheSize < 0)
throw new ConfigurationException("option.msgid.cacheSize cannot be negative");
if (decayInterval < 0L)
throw new ConfigurationException("option.msgid.decayInterval cannot be negative");
if (maxCacheSize == 0 && decayInterval == 0L)
throw new ConfigurationException("option.msgid.cacheSize and option.msgid.decayInterval cannot both be zero");
if (maxCacheSize > 0 && maxCacheSize < 100) {
maxCacheSize = 100;
log.warn("option.msgid.cacheSize is very small, increasing to " + maxCacheSize);
if (decayInterval > 0L && decayInterval < 300000L) {