public void loadOperations() throws PluginConflictException {
ArrayList<Parameter> params = new ArrayList<Parameter>();
params.add(new Parameter("x", "any real number", false));
addOperation(new Operation("round", params, "the number (x) rounded using the half-up method", "The half-up method is the method most commonly taught in schools.", this));
addOperation(new Operation("ceil", params, "the number (x) rounded up", "The ceiling function.", this));
addOperation(new Operation("floor", params, "the number (x) rounded down", "The floor function.", this));
params.add(new Parameter("decrement", "any positive, real integer, defaults to 1", true));
addOperation(new Operation("factorial", params, "the factorial of x", "when the decrement is 1, this is the standard factorial", this));
params.add(new Parameter("base", "any real integer, defaults to 10", true));
addOperation(new Operation("log", params, "the log [base] of x", "", this));
addOperation(new Operation("ln", params, "the natural log of x", "the natural log of x is equivalent to log(x, e)", this));
params.add(new Parameter("equation", "some algebraic expression", false));
params.add(new Parameter("min", "minimum bound for the sum", false));
params.add(new Parameter("max", "maximum bound for the sum", false));
params.add(new Parameter("delta", "the step size for the sum, defaults to 1", true));
addOperation(new Operation("sigma", params, "the sum of the function from [min, max]", "", this));
addOperation(new Operation("sigma", params, "the sum of the function from [min, max]", "", this));
params.add(new Parameter("x", "any whole number", false));
addOperation(new Operation("phi", params, "the number of whole numbers relatively prime to x", "Credits to Jacob for telling me about this function and helping me make it more efficient.", this));
params.add(new Parameter("y", "any whole number", false));
addOperation(new Operation("isRelativelyPrime", params, "whether x is relatively prime to y", "Credits to Jacob for telling me about this function.", new String[]{"relativelyPrime"}, this));
params.add(new Parameter("x", "any real number", false));
addOperation(new Operation("sigfigs", params, "the number of significant figures in x", "uses the standard calculation methods", this));
params.add(new Parameter("integers", "a list of integers", false));
addOperation(new Operation("gcd", params, "the greatest common divisor of the listed integers", "Credits to Jacob for explaining the highly efficient algorithm that makes this rational to implement.", this));
addOperation(new Operation("lcm", params, "the least common multiple of the listed integers", "Credits to Jacob for explaining the highly efficient algorithm that makes this rational to implement.", this));