Package lipstone.joshua.parser.plugin.helpdata

Examples of lipstone.joshua.parser.plugin.helpdata.Operation

  private void loadTrigFunctions() throws PluginConflictException {
    Parameter x = new Parameter("x", "Any real number", false);
    ArrayList<Parameter> params = new ArrayList<Parameter>();
    addOperation(new Operation("sin", params, "the sine of x.", "Use the angle type options to specify Degrees/Radians/Grads", this));
    addOperation(new Operation("cos", params, "the cosine of x.", "Use the angle type options to specify Degrees/Radians/Grads", this));
    addOperation(new Operation("tan", params, "the tangent of x.", "Use the angle type options to specify Degrees/Radians/Grads", this));
    x = new Parameter("x", "Any real number except odd multiples of pi/2", false);
    params.set(0, x);
    addOperation(new Operation("sec", params, "the secant of x.", "Use the angle type options to specify Degrees/Radians/Grads", this));
    x = new Parameter("x", "Any real number except multiples of pi", false);
    params.set(0, x);
    addOperation(new Operation("csc", params, "the cosecant of x.", "Use the angle type options to specify Degrees/Radians/Grads", this));
    addOperation(new Operation("cot", params, "the cotangent of x.", "Use the angle type options to specify Degrees/Radians/Grads", this));
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  private void loadInverseTrigFunctions() throws PluginConflictException {
    Parameter x = new Parameter("x", "Any real number within (-???, -1)???(1, ???)", false);
    ArrayList<Parameter> params = new ArrayList<Parameter>();
    addOperation(new Operation("arcsin", params, "the arcsine of x.", "Use the angle type options to specify Degrees/Radians/Grads", new String[]{"asin"}, this));
    addOperation(new Operation("arccos", params, "the arccosine of x.", "Use the angle type options to specify Degrees/Radians/Grads", new String[]{"acos"}, this));
    x = new Parameter("x", "Any real number", false);
    params.set(0, x);
    addOperation(new Operation("arctan", params, "the arctangent of x.", "Use the angle type options to specify Degrees/Radians/Grads", new String[]{"atan"}, this));
    x = new Parameter("x", "Any real number within [-1, 1]", false);
    params.set(0, x);
    addOperation(new Operation("arcsec", params, "the arcsecant of x.", "Use the angle type options to specify Degrees/Radians/Grads", new String[]{"asec"}, this));
    addOperation(new Operation("arccsc", params, "the arccosecant of x.", "Use the angle type options to specify Degrees/Radians/Grads", new String[]{"acsc"}, this));
    x = new Parameter("x", "Any real number", false);
    params.set(0, x);
    addOperation(new Operation("arccot", params, "the arccotangent of x.", "Use the angle type options to specify Degrees/Radians/Grads", new String[]{"acot"}, this));
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  private void loadHyperbolicTrigFunctions() throws PluginConflictException {
    Parameter x = new Parameter("x", "Any real number", false);
    ArrayList<Parameter> params = new ArrayList<Parameter>();
    addOperation(new Operation("sinh", params, "the hyperbolic sine of x.", "Use the angle type options to specify Degrees/Radians/Grads", this));
    addOperation(new Operation("cosh", params, "the hyperbolic cosine of x.", "Use the angle type options to specify Degrees/Radians/Grads", this));
    addOperation(new Operation("tanh", params, "the hyperbolic tangent of x.", "Use the angle type options to specify Degrees/Radians/Grads", this));
    addOperation(new Operation("sech", params, "the hyperbolic secant of x.", "Use the angle type options to specify Degrees/Radians/Grads", this));
    addOperation(new Operation("csch", params, "the hyperbolic cosecant of x.", "Use the angle type options to specify Degrees/Radians/Grads", this));
    x = new Parameter("x", "Any real number except zero", false);
    params.set(0, x);
    addOperation(new Operation("coth", params, "the hyperbolic cotangent of x.", "Use the angle type options to specify Degrees/Radians/Grads", this));
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  private void loadInverseHyperbolicTrigFunctions() throws PluginConflictException {
    Parameter x = new Parameter("x", "Any real number", false);
    ArrayList<Parameter> params = new ArrayList<Parameter>();
    addOperation(new Operation("arcsinh", params, "the hyperbolic arcsine of x.", "Use the angle type options to specify Degrees/Radians/Grads", new String[]{"asinh"}, this));
    addOperation(new Operation("arccosh", params, "the hyperbolic arccosine of x.", "Use the angle type options to specify Degrees/Radians/Grads", new String[]{"acosh"}, this));
    x = new Parameter("x", "Any real number", false);
    params.set(0, x);
    addOperation(new Operation("arctanh", params, "the hyperbolic arctangent of x.", "Use the angle type options to specify Degrees/Radians/Grads", new String[]{"atanh"}, this));
    x = new Parameter("x", "Any real number within [-1, 1]", false);
    params.set(0, x);
    addOperation(new Operation("arcsech", params, "the hyperbolic arcsecant of x.", "Use the angle type options to specify Degrees/Radians/Grads", new String[]{"asech"}, this));
    addOperation(new Operation("arccsch", params, "the hyperbolic arccosecant of x.", "Use the angle type options to specify Degrees/Radians/Grads", new String[]{"acsch"}, this));
    x = new Parameter("x", "Any real number", false);
    params.set(0, x);
    addOperation(new Operation("arccoth", params, "the hyperbolic arccotangent of x.", "Use the angle type options to specify Degrees/Radians/Grads", new String[]{"acoth"}, this));
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  public void loadOperations() throws PluginConflictException {
    ArrayList<Parameter> params = new ArrayList<Parameter>();
    params.add(new Parameter("x", "any real number", false));
    addOperation(new Operation("round", params, "the number (x) rounded using the half-up method", "The half-up method is the method most commonly taught in schools.", this));
    addOperation(new Operation("ceil", params, "the number (x) rounded up", "The ceiling function.", this));
    addOperation(new Operation("floor", params, "the number (x) rounded down", "The floor function.", this));
    params.add(new Parameter("decrement", "any positive, real integer, defaults to 1", true));
    addOperation(new Operation("factorial", params, "the factorial of x", "when the decrement is 1, this is the standard factorial", this));
    params.add(new Parameter("base", "any real integer, defaults to 10", true));
    addOperation(new Operation("log", params, "the log [base] of x", "", this));
    addOperation(new Operation("ln", params, "the natural log of x", "the natural log of x is equivalent to log(x, e)", this));
    params.add(new Parameter("equation", "some algebraic expression", false));
    params.add(new Parameter("min", "minimum bound for the sum", false));
    params.add(new Parameter("max", "maximum bound for the sum", false));
    params.add(new Parameter("delta", "the step size for the sum, defaults to 1", true));
    addOperation(new Operation("sigma", params, "the sum of the function from [min, max]", "", this));
    addOperation(new Operation("sigma", params, "the sum of the function from [min, max]", "", this));
    params.add(new Parameter("x", "any whole number", false));
    addOperation(new Operation("phi", params, "the number of whole numbers relatively prime to x", "Credits to Jacob for telling me about this function and helping me make it more efficient.", this));
    params.add(new Parameter("y", "any whole number", false));
    addOperation(new Operation("isRelativelyPrime", params, "whether x is relatively prime to y", "Credits to Jacob for telling me about this function.", new String[]{"relativelyPrime"}, this));
    params.add(new Parameter("x", "any real number", false));
    addOperation(new Operation("sigfigs", params, "the number of significant figures in x", "uses the standard calculation methods", this));
    params.add(new Parameter("integers", "a list of integers", false));
    addOperation(new Operation("gcd", params, "the greatest common divisor of the listed integers", "Credits to Jacob for explaining the highly efficient algorithm that makes this rational to implement.", this));
    addOperation(new Operation("lcm", params, "the least common multiple of the listed integers", "Credits to Jacob for explaining the highly efficient algorithm that makes this rational to implement.", this));
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  public void loadOperations() throws PluginConflictException {
    ArrayList<Parameter> params = new ArrayList<Parameter>();
    params.add(new Parameter("Set", "Any comma-separated set of numbers, algebraic expressions, scripts, etc. provided that they evaluate to real numbers.", false));
    addOperation(new Operation("mean", params, "The arithmatic mean of the set of numbers, defined as the sum of all the numbers in the set devided by the size of the set.", "This uses definition taught in K-12 schools.", this));
    addOperation(new Operation("median", params, "The median of the set of numbers, defined as the middle number in the set.", "This uses definition taught in K-12 schools.", this));
    addOperation(new Operation("mode", params, "The mode of the set of numbers, defined as the most commonly occuring number in the set.", "This uses definition taught in K-12 schools.", this));
    addOperation(new Operation("stdev", params, "The standard deviation of the set of numbers.", "This uses definition taught in K-12 schools.", this));
    addOperation(new Operation("iqr", params, "The interquartile range of the set of numbers.", "This uses definition taught in K-12 schools.", this));
    params.add(new Parameter("Set", "Any comma-separated set of numbers, algebraic expressions, scripts, etc. provided that they evaluate to real numbers followed by a ; and the number to get the z-Score of.\n" +
        "If the number is not in the set, it will automatically be added to the set.", false));
    addOperation(new Operation("zScore", params, "The z-score of the set of numbers.", "This uses definition taught in K-12 schools.", this));
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  public void loadOperations() throws PluginConflictException {
    ArrayList<Parameter> params = new ArrayList<Parameter>();
    params.add(new Parameter("equation", "the equation to be integrated", false));
    params.add(new Parameter("min", "the lower bound of the integration, any real number", false));
    params.add(new Parameter("max", "the upper bound of the integration, any real number greater than min", false));
    addOperation(new Operation("integrate", params, "The numeric value of the integral of the function between min and max",
        "Numerically integrates the function over [min, max] via the trapezoid rule.", new String[]{"integral"}, this));
    params.add(new Parameter("equation", "the equation to be derived", false));
    params.add(new Parameter("x-coordinate", "the point at which to calculate the slope of the tangent line", true));
    addOperation(new Operation("derivative", params, "The symbolic derivative of the function, or, if the x-coordinate is provided, the slope of the tangent line at that point.",
        "Finds the symbolic derivative of the equation using the complete chain rule (x^n, n^x, x^x), product, quoteint, and logrithmic derivation formulae.", this, true));
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  public void loadOperations() throws PluginConflictException {
    ArrayList<Parameter> params = new ArrayList<Parameter>();
    params.add(new Parameter("x", "Any real number"));
    addOperation(new Operation("abs", params, "the absolute value of the number x", "", this));
    params.add(new Parameter("M", "some square matrix"));
    addOperation(new Operation("det", params, "the determinant of the square matrix, M.  Returns null if M is not square", "", this));
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  public void loadOperations() throws PluginConflictException {
    ArrayList<Parameter> params = new ArrayList<Parameter>();
    params.add(new Parameter("x", "Any integer or algebraic expression", false));
    addOperation(new Operation("factor", params, "The factorized form of the number or algebraic expression",
        "This uses prime numbers to find the full factorization of the number or attempts to factor the algebraic expression.", this, true));
    params.add(new Parameter("x", "Any integer", false));
    addOperation(new Operation("primeFactor", params, "The prime factorization of the number", "This uses prime numbers to find the prime factorization of this number.", this, true));
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Related Classes of lipstone.joshua.parser.plugin.helpdata.Operation

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