Package lib

Examples of lib.StatusException

        try {
            oObj = (XInterface)((XMultiServiceFactory)Param.getMSF()).
        } catch ( e) {
            throw new StatusException(Status.failed("Couldn't create object"));

        log.println("creating a new environment for object");
        TestEnvironment tEnv = new TestEnvironment(oObj);

        //adding relation for sdbc.XDriver
        String adabasURL = (String) Param.get("adabas.url");
        if (adabasURL == null) {
            throw new StatusException(Status.failed(
                "Couldn't get 'adabas.url' from ini-file"));
        tEnv.addObjRelation("XDriver.URL", "sdbc:adabas:" + adabasURL);

        String user = (String) Param.get("adabas.user");
        if (user == null) {
            throw new StatusException(Status.failed(
                "Couldn't get 'adabas.user' from ini-file"));
        String password = (String) Param.get("adabas.password");
        if (password == null) {
            throw new StatusException(Status.failed(
                "Couldn't get 'adabas.password' from ini-file"));
        PropertyValue[] info = new PropertyValue[2];
        info[0] = new PropertyValue();
        info[0].Name = "user"; info[0].Value = user;
        info[1] = new PropertyValue();
        info[1].Name = "password"; info[1].Value = password;
        tEnv.addObjRelation("XDriver.INFO", info);

        String jdbcUrl = (String) Param.get("jdbc.url");
        if (jdbcUrl == null) {
            throw new StatusException(Status.failed(
                "Couldn't get 'jdbc.url' from ini-file"));
        tEnv.addObjRelation("XDriver.UNSUITABLE_URL", "jdbc:" + jdbcUrl);

        return tEnv;
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            oInterface = ((XMultiServiceFactory)Param.getMSF()).createInstance
                ("") ;
        } catch ( e) {
            log.println("Couldn't get service");
            throw new StatusException("Couldn't get GridControl", e );

        if (oInterface == null) {
            log.println("Service wasn't created") ;
            throw new StatusException(Status.failed("Service wasn't created")) ;

        oObj = (XInterface) oInterface ;

        log.println("ImplementationName " + util.utils.getImplName(oObj));
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        try {
            xMSF = (XMultiServiceFactory)Param.getMSF();
            oDBC = xMSF.createInstance( "" );
        catch( e ) {
            throw new StatusException("Could not instantiate DatabaseContext", e) ;
        Object oDataSource = null;
            XNameAccess xNA = (XNameAccess) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XNameAccess.class, oDBC);
            oDataSource = xNA.getByName(sDataSourceName);
        } catch ( e){
            throw new StatusException("could not get '" + sDataSourceName + "'" , e) ;
        } catch ( e){
            throw new StatusException("could not get '" + sDataSourceName + "'" , e) ;
        XDocumentDataSource xDDS = (XDocumentDataSource) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDocumentDataSource.class, oDataSource);
        XModel xMod = (XModel) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XModel.class, xDDS.getDatabaseDocument ());
        Frame = xMod.getCurrentController().getFrame();
         // get an instance of Frame
        Object oFrame = null;
        XTextDocument xTextDoc = null;;
        SOfficeFactory SOF = null;

        SOF = SOfficeFactory.getFactory( xMSF );
        try {
            log.println( "creating a textdocument" );
            xTextDoc = SOF.createTextDoc( null );
        } catch ( e ) {
            e.printStackTrace( log );
            throw new StatusException( "Could not create document", e );

        XModel xDocMod = (XModel) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XModel.class, xTextDoc);
        XFrame xTextFrame  = xDocMod.getCurrentController().getFrame();
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        try {
            xMSF = (XMultiServiceFactory)Param.getMSF();
            oDBC = xMSF.createInstance( "" );
        catch( e ) {
            throw new StatusException("Could not instantiate DatabaseContext", e) ;
        Object oDataSource = null;
            XNameAccess xNA = (XNameAccess) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XNameAccess.class, oDBC);
            oDataSource = xNA.getByName(sDataSourceName);
        } catch ( e){
            throw new StatusException("could not get '" + sDataSourceName + "'" , e) ;
        } catch ( e){
            throw new StatusException("could not get '" + sDataSourceName + "'" , e) ;
        XDocumentDataSource xDDS = (XDocumentDataSource) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDocumentDataSource.class, oDataSource);
        XModel xMod = (XModel) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XModel.class, xDDS.getDatabaseDocument ());

        // get an intaces of QueryDesign
        Object oQueryDesign = null;
            oQueryDesign = xMSF.createInstance("");
        }catch( e ) {
            throw new StatusException("Could not instantiate QueryDesign", e) ;
        XController xCont = (XController) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XController.class, oQueryDesign);
        // marry them all
        } catch ( e){
            throw new StatusException("Could not set controller", e) ;
        return (XInitialization) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XInitialization.class, oQueryDesign);
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                XMultiServiceFactory xMSF = (XMultiServiceFactory)Param.getMSF ();
                    aFile = utils.getOfficeTemp (xMSF)+dbSourceName+".odb";
            } catch ( e) {
                log.println("Error while object test initialization :") ;
                e.printStackTrace(log) ;
                throw new StatusException("Error while object test" +
                    " initialization", e);
        } else {
            try {
                srcInf.URL = "sdbc:dbase:" + DBTools.dirToUrl(tmpDir) ;
                dbSrc = srcInf.getDataSourceService() ;
                if (uniqueSuffix < 1)
                    dbTools.reRegisterDB(dbSourceName, dbSrc) ;
            } catch ( e) {
                log.println("Error while object test initialization :") ;
                e.printStackTrace(log) ;
                throw new
                    StatusException("Error while object test initialization",e) ;
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        if (isMySQLDB) {
            try {
                dbTools.initTestTableUsingJDBC(tableName, srcInf);
            } catch(java.sql.SQLException e) {
                throw new StatusException(Status.failed("Couldn't " +
                    " init test table. SQLException..."));
            } catch(java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e) {
                throw new StatusException(Status.failed("Couldn't " +
                    "register mysql driver"));
        } else {
            String oldF = null ;
            String newF = null ;
            do {
                tableName = "ORowSet_tmp" + uniqueSuffix ;
                oldF = utils.getFullURL(origDB);
                newF = utils.getOfficeTemp((XMultiServiceFactory)Param.getMSF())+tableName+".dbf";
            } while (!utils.overwriteFile((XMultiServiceFactory)Param.getMSF(),oldF,newF) &&
                uniqueSuffix++ < 50);
        XConnection connection = null ;

        try {
            xMSF = (XMultiServiceFactory)Param.getMSF();

            Object oRowSet = xMSF.createInstance("") ;

            XPropertySet xSetProp = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface
                (XPropertySet.class, oRowSet) ;

            log.println("Trying to open: " + tableName);

            xSetProp.setPropertyValue("DataSourceName", dbSourceName) ;
            xSetProp.setPropertyValue("Command", tableName) ;
                new Integer(CommandType.TABLE)) ;

   xORowSet = (
                oRowSet) ;                  

            xORowSet.execute() ;

            connection = null;

            try {
                connection = (XConnection) AnyConverter.toObject(
                                    new Type(XConnection.class),
            } catch ( iae) {
                throw new StatusException("couldn't convert Any",iae);

            oInterface = oRowSet ;

            XResultSet xRes = (XResultSet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface
                (XResultSet.class, oRowSet) ;

            xRes.first() ;

            if (oInterface == null) {
                log.println("Service wasn't created") ;
                throw new StatusException("Service wasn't created",
                    new NullPointerException()) ;

            oObj = (XInterface) oInterface;

            log.println( "    creating a new environment for object" );
            TestEnvironment tEnv = new TestEnvironment( oObj );

            // Adding relations for disposing object
            tEnv.addObjRelation("ORowSet.Connection", connection) ;
            this.conn = (XConnection) tEnv.getObjRelation("ORowSet.Connection");

            // Adding obj relation for XRowSetApproveBroadcaster test
                final XResultSet xResSet = (XResultSet)
                    UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XResultSet.class, oObj) ;
                final XResultSetUpdate xResSetUpdate = (XResultSetUpdate)
                    UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XResultSetUpdate.class, oObj) ;
                final XRowSet xRowSet = (XRowSet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface
                    (XRowSet.class, oObj) ;
                final XRowUpdate xRowUpdate = (XRowUpdate)
                    UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XRowUpdate.class, oObj) ;
                final PrintWriter logF = log ;
                    new ifc.sdb._XRowSetApproveBroadcaster.RowSetApproveChecker() {
                        public void moveCursor() {
                            try {
                                xResSet.beforeFirst() ;
                                xResSet.afterLast() ;
                                xResSet.first() ;
                            } catch ( e) {
                                logF.println("### _XRowSetApproveBroadcaster." +
                                    "RowSetApproveChecker.moveCursor() :") ;
                                e.printStackTrace(logF) ;
                        public RowChangeEvent changeRow() {
                            try {
                                xResSet.first() ;
                                xRowUpdate.updateString(1, "ORowSetTest2") ;
                                xResSetUpdate.updateRow() ;
                            } catch ( e) {
                                logF.println("### _XRowSetApproveBroadcaster." +
                                    "RowSetApproveChecker.changeRow() :") ;
                                e.printStackTrace(logF) ;
                            RowChangeEvent ev = new RowChangeEvent() ;
                            ev.Action = ;
                            ev.Rows = 1 ;

                            return ev ;
                        public void changeRowSet() {
                            try {
                                xRowSet.execute() ;
                                xResSet.first() ;
                            } catch ( e) {
                                logF.println("### _XRowSetApproveBroadcaster."+
                                    "RowSetApproveChecker.changeRowSet() :") ;
                                e.printStackTrace(logF) ;
                    }) ;
            // Adding relations for XRow as a Vector with all data
            // of current row of RowSet.

            Vector rowData = new Vector() ;

            for (int i = 0; i < DBTools.TST_TABLE_VALUES[0].length; i++) {
                rowData.add(DBTools.TST_TABLE_VALUES[0][i]) ;

            // here XRef must be added
            // here XBlob must be added
            // here XClob must be added
            // here XArray must be added

            tEnv.addObjRelation("CurrentRowData", rowData) ;

            // Adding relation for XColumnLocate ifc test
                DBTools.TST_STRING_F) ;

            // Adding relation for XCompletedExecution
            tEnv.addObjRelation("InteractionHandlerChecker", new InteractionHandlerImpl());
            XPropertySet xProp = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, oObj) ;
            try {
                xProp.setPropertyValue("DataSourceName", dbSourceName) ;
                if(isMySQLDB) {
                    xProp.setPropertyValue("Command", "SELECT Column0  FROM soffice_test_table  WHERE ( (  Column0 = :param1 ) )");
                else {
                    xProp.setPropertyValue("Command", "SELECT \"_TEXT\" FROM \"ORowSet_tmp" + uniqueSuffix + "\" WHERE ( ( \"_TEXT\" = :param1 ) )");

                xProp.setPropertyValue("CommandType", new Integer(CommandType.COMMAND)) ;
            catch(Exception e) {

            // Adding relation for XParameters ifc test
            Vector params = new Vector() ;

            tEnv.addObjRelation("XParameters.ParamValues", params) ;

            // Adding relation for XRowUpdate
            XRow row = (XRow) UnoRuntime.queryInterface (XRow.class, oObj) ;
            tEnv.addObjRelation("XRowUpdate.XRow", row) ;

            // Adding relation for XResultSetUpdate
                final XResultSet xResSet = (XResultSet)
                    UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XResultSet.class, oObj) ;
                final XRowUpdate xRowUpdate = (XRowUpdate)
                    UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XRowUpdate.class, oObj) ;
                final XRow xRow = (XRow) UnoRuntime.queryInterface
                    (XRow.class, oObj) ;

                    new ifc.sdbc._XResultSetUpdate.UpdateTester() {
                        String lastUpdate = null ;

                        public int rowCount() throws SQLException {
                            int prevPos = xResSet.getRow() ;
                            xResSet.last() ;
                            int count = xResSet.getRow() ;
                            xResSet.absolute(prevPos) ;

                            return count ;

                        public void update() throws SQLException {
                            lastUpdate = xRow.getString(1) ;
                            lastUpdate += "_" ;
                            xRowUpdate.updateString(1, lastUpdate) ;

                        public boolean wasUpdated() throws SQLException {
                            String getStr = xRow.getString(1) ;
                            return lastUpdate.equals(getStr) ;

                        public int currentRow() throws SQLException {
                            return xResSet.getRow() ;
                    }) ;

            envCreatedOK = true ;
            return tEnv;

        } catch( e) {
            log.println("Can't create object" );
            e.printStackTrace(log) ;
            try {
                connection.close() ;
            } catch(Exception ex) {}
            throw new StatusException("Can't create object", e) ;
        } finally {
            if (!envCreatedOK) {
                try {
                    connection.close() ;
                } catch(Exception ex) {}
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            xMSF = (XMultiServiceFactory)Param.getMSF();
            oInterface = xMSF.createInstance( "" );
        catch( e ) {
            log.println("Service not available" );
            throw new StatusException("Service not available", e) ;

        if (oInterface == null) {
            log.println("Service wasn't created") ;
            throw new StatusException(Status.failed("Service wasn't created")) ;

        oObj = (XInterface) oInterface;

        log.println( "    creating a new environment for object" );
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            toolkit = ((XMultiServiceFactory) Param.getMSF ())
            .createInstance ("");
        } catch ( e)
            e.printStackTrace (log);
            throw new StatusException (Status.failed ("Couldn't create instance"));
        String mysqlURL = (String) Param.get ("mysql.url");
        if (mysqlURL == null)
            throw new StatusException (Status.failed (
            "Couldn't get 'mysql.url' from ini-file"));
        user = (String) Param.get ("jdbc.user");
        password = (String) Param.get ("jdbc.password");
        if ((user == null) || (password == null))
            throw new StatusException (Status.failed (
            "Couldn't get 'jdbc.user' or 'jdbc.password' from ini-file"));
        PropertyValue[] info = new PropertyValue[2];
        info[0] = new PropertyValue ();
        info[0].Name = "user";
        info[0].Value = user;
        info[1] = new PropertyValue ();
        info[1].Name = "password";
        info[1].Value = password;
        XPropertySet propSetDBSource = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
        XPropertySet.class, oDBSource);
            propSetDBSource.setPropertyValue ("URL", mysqlURL);
            propSetDBSource.setPropertyValue ("Info", info);
        } catch ( e)
            e.printStackTrace (log);
            throw new StatusException (Status.failed (
            "Couldn't set property value"));
        } catch ( e)
            e.printStackTrace (log);
            throw new StatusException (Status.failed (
            "Couldn't set property value"));
        } catch ( e)
            e.printStackTrace (log);
            throw new StatusException (Status.failed (
            "Couldn't set property value"));
        } catch ( e)
            e.printStackTrace (log);
            throw new StatusException (Status.failed (
            "Couldn't set property value"));
            log.println ("writing database file ...");
            XDocumentDataSource xDDS = (XDocumentDataSource)
            UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDocumentDataSource.class, oDBSource);
            store = (XStorable) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XStorable.class,
            aFile = utils.getOfficeTemp ((XMultiServiceFactory) Param.getMSF ())+"JoinView.odb";
            log.println ("... filename will be "+aFile);
            store.storeAsURL (aFile,new PropertyValue[]
            log.println ("... done");
        } catch ( e)
            e.printStackTrace (log);
            throw new StatusException (Status.failed ("Couldn't register object"));
        isolConnection = (XIsolatedConnection) UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
        XConnection connection = null;
        XStatement statement = null;
        final String tbl_name1 = "tst_table1";
        final String tbl_name2 = "tst_table2";
        final String col_name1 = "id1";
        final String col_name2 = "id2";
            connection = isolConnection.getIsolatedConnection (user, password);
            statement = connection.createStatement ();
            statement.executeUpdate ("drop table if exists " + tbl_name1);
            statement.executeUpdate ("drop table if exists " + tbl_name2);
            statement.executeUpdate ("create table " + tbl_name1 + " (" +
            col_name1 + " int)");
            statement.executeUpdate ("create table " + tbl_name2 + " (" +
            col_name2 + " int)");
        } catch ( e)
                shortWait ();
                connection = isolConnection.getIsolatedConnection (user,
                statement = connection.createStatement ();
                statement.executeUpdate ("drop table if exists " + tbl_name1);
                statement.executeUpdate ("drop table if exists " + tbl_name2);
                statement.executeUpdate ("create table " + tbl_name1 + " (" +
                col_name1 + " int)");
                statement.executeUpdate ("create table " + tbl_name2 + " (" +
                col_name2 + " int)");
            } catch ( e2)
                e2.printStackTrace (log);
                throw new StatusException (Status.failed ("SQLException"));
        XQueryDefinitionsSupplier querySuppl = (XQueryDefinitionsSupplier) UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
        XNameAccess defContainer = querySuppl.getQueryDefinitions ();
        XPropertySet queryProp = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
        XPropertySet.class, newQuery);
            final String query = "select * from " + tbl_name1 + ", " +
            tbl_name2 + " where " + tbl_name1 + "." +
            col_name1 + "=" + tbl_name2 + "." +
            queryProp.setPropertyValue ("Command", query);
        } catch ( e)
            e.printStackTrace (log);
            throw new StatusException (Status.failed (
            "Couldn't set property value"));
        } catch ( e)
            e.printStackTrace (log);
            throw new StatusException (Status.failed (
            "Couldn't set property value"));
        } catch ( e)
            e.printStackTrace (log);
            throw new StatusException (Status.failed (
            "Couldn't set property value"));
        } catch ( e)
            e.printStackTrace (log);
            throw new StatusException (Status.failed (
            "Couldn't set property value"));
        XNameContainer queryContainer = (XNameContainer) UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
            queryContainer.insertByName ("Query1", newQuery);
            connection.close ();
        } catch ( e)
            e.printStackTrace (log);
            throw new StatusException (Status.failed ("Couldn't insert query"));
        } catch ( e)
            e.printStackTrace (log);
            throw new StatusException (Status.failed ("Couldn't insert query"));
        } catch ( e)
            e.printStackTrace (log);
            throw new StatusException (Status.failed ("Couldn't insert query"));
        } catch ( e)
            e.printStackTrace (log);
            throw new StatusException (Status.failed ("Couldn't insert query"));
        } catch ( e)
            e.printStackTrace (log);
            throw new StatusException (Status.failed ("Couldn't insert query"));
        PropertyValue[] loadProps = new PropertyValue[3];
        loadProps[0] = new PropertyValue ();
        loadProps[0].Name = "QueryDesignView";
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                            "" );

        catch( e ) {
            log.println("Service not available" );
            throw new StatusException("Service not available", e) ;

        if (oInterface == null) {
            log.println("Service wasn't created") ;
            throw new StatusException(Status.failed("Service wasn't created")) ;

          oObj = (XInterface) oInterface;

        log.println( "    creating a new environment for object" );
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            err1 = new"err1");
            err2 = new"err2");
        catch( e ) {
            log.println("Service not available" );
            throw new StatusException("Service not available", e) ;

        if (oInterface == null) {
            log.println("Service wasn't created") ;
            throw new StatusException(Status.failed("Service wasn't created")) ;

        oObj = (XInterface) oInterface;

        // create XWindow for Object relations... xToolkit = null;

            xToolkit = (
            ((XMultiServiceFactory)Param.getMSF()).createInstance("") );
        } catch ( e){
            log.println("could not create instacne of ''" );
            throw new StatusException("could not create instacne of ''", e) ;
        // Describe the properties of the container window. aDescriptor =

        aDescriptor.Type              = ;
        aDescriptor.WindowServiceName = "window" ;
        aDescriptor.ParentIndex       = -1;
        aDescriptor.Parent            = null;
        aDescriptor.Bounds            = new,0,0,0);

        aDescriptor.WindowAttributes  =    |  |  | ; xPeer = null;
            xPeer = xToolkit.createWindow(aDescriptor) ;

        } catch ( e){
            log.println("could not create window" );
            throw new StatusException("could not create window", e) ;
        } xWindow = ( ( .class, xPeer);       
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Related Classes of lib.StatusException

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